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The OY sound is heard in the word appointment, which is from the same root as disappoint. Appointment has another separate meaning from appoint to mean naming to a position or public office.

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Q: What is another word for a scheduled meeting containing the vowel sound you hear in enjoy and disappoint?
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"Convene a scheduled meeting" is the proper grammar. It indicates that you are initiating or calling for a meeting that was planned in advance.

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Mr Jean has a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

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A meeting is a formal gathering.Scheduled means the time and date were arranged ahead of time.We arrived at the scheduled meeting only to find the business closed down.

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The meeting was scheduled in Philadelphia.

Which city did the Virginia assembly schedule a meeting to revise the articles of confederation?

The meeting was scheduled in Philadelphia.

How do you punctuate this sentence- R Combs stated there are not any potential clients scheduled for presentations at the April meeting therefore the Intake meeting will be cancelled?

It should be--- R. Combs stated, "There are not any potential clients scheduled for presentations at the April meeting, therefore the Intake meeting will be cancelled."

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The teachers' meeting is scheduled for seven.

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No, it means the 341 meeting has yet to be scheduled. You'll know when you have it as you have to be there.

Whos the person presiding?

The person presiding in a formal meeting is the main speaker. They introduce the activities that are scheduled throughout the meeting.

Is previously scheduled matter hyphenated?

Yes, "previously scheduled matter" is hyphenated when used as a compound adjective before a noun (e.g., "The previously scheduled matter was addressed during the meeting").

Can you make a sentence using sarcasm?

Oh great, another meeting scheduled for Friday afternoon, just what I was hoping for.