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to set as a CONSTANT

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Q: What is another word for buffer?
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What word have two ff?

Suffering, buffer etc.

What is a good sentence for the word buffer zone?

the ozone layer is our buffer zone between the us and the harmfull rays of the sun.

What is a good sentence for the word buffer state?

After World War 1, attempts were made between Germany and France to make buffer states.

How can a computer buffer get too full?

A buffer in a computer is place where information is stored whilst being moved from one electronic device, to another. Or from on process to another. A buffer can only really get too 'full' if the information coming from one place overwrites the contents of the buffer, before the destination device or process reads it. That would occur if either device were to stop responding. In a computer program a buffer over flow can occur when the memory in a position near the buffer get's too full and information get's written to the buffer by mistake, this is known a Buffer Overflow the source of many software crashes and security vulnerabilities.

What is the most important buffer in extracellular fluids?

Bicarbonate Buffer System (only important ECF buffer)

How do you put buffer in a sentence?

The Soviet Union took over Eastern Europe as a buffer state.I hate it when I have to be the buffer between Georgia and Betty.Proper insulation is not only good to keep your house warm but it is a noise buffer too.

Why did countries need buffer zones between one another?

literally every country

How do you use buffer in a sentence?

You didn't say which meaning you want to use for this word. A buffer can be a barrier which lessens or absorbs a shock. The airbag acts as a buffer in case of an accident. She was the buffer between them, and kept the argument from getting out of hand. Buffer can also mean a chemical substance which minimizes the acidity of a substance. I need a bottle of buffered aspirin; the buffer keeps it from upsetting your stomach. Buffer can also be a verb meaning to do either of the above. The neutral zone between the two countries buffered their rivalry. That substance buffers the chemicals.

What can destroy buffer solution?

Buffer solutions can be destroyed by adding too much strong acid or base, which can shift the pH outside the buffering range. Another way to destroy a buffer solution is by diluting it to the point where its buffering capacity is no longer effective. Additionally, exposure to strong oxidizing or reducing agents can also disrupt the buffer components.

What is pinned buffer in oracle?

The buffer is in used is called as pinned buffer

What is the word for a solution containing either a weak acid and its salt or a weak base and its salt?

A buffer