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Q: What is another word for gesture?
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Is there another word for shrug?

Yes, another word for shrug is "hunch."

Another phrase for gesture of goodwill?

goodwill gesture

What is the definition of gesture in the Bible?

The word "gesture" isn't in the Bible.

What is a gesture frontier?

An "Gesture Frontier" is a place within a particular region where one gesture stops an another begins.

Can you give a sentence with the word gesture?

"I don't appreciate that gesture, young man!"

What is a sentence using the word gesture?

He used a common hand gesture to summon a crab.

Make sentence with the word gesture?

He made a kind gesture by holding the door open for the elderly woman.

Need a sentence for the word gesture?

It is wise to restrain yourself from using any gesture in unfamiliar territory.

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How do you spell jesture?

The word is spelled gesture.

In what sentence does the word gesture appear on page 36 of the book Holes?

the sentence the word gesture appears on pg 36 is magnet gestured with his arms.......