

What is another word for objectionable?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Disprovable is another word for objectionable.

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How do you use the word objectionable in a sentence?

It is objectionable to wear rags at a marriage

How many syllables does the word objectionable has?

Objectionable has five syllables. uhb-jek-shuh-nuh-buhl1 2 3 4 5

What is the definition of the word censor?

To censor is to remove or suppress objectionable material.

What do you call a more polite term used to replace an objectionable one?

One word is Euphemism

What are some synonyms for the word unacceptable?

Some synonyms for the word unacceptable are intolerable, unsatisfactory or unreasonable. Other synonyms for the same word are offensive, unpleasant, inappropriate, unseemly and objectionable.

Is spam sometimes objectionable?

Spam by its very nature is objectionable. however the content of a lot of spam is downright ofensive.

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"noxious, objectionable, or disgusting animals collectively, esp. those of small size that appear commonly and are difficult to control, as flies, lice, bedbugs, cockroaches, mice, and rats. an objectionable or obnoxious person, or such persons collectively. animals that prey upon game, as coyotes or weasels."

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u could do it

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Cowboys loved a colorful phrase! This is a made-up word. It means a soft-brained fellow or someone whose manners are objectionable.

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Matter removed that was thought to be objectionable

What does the British English word blighter mean?

blighter (plural blighters) = A person, usually male, especially one who behaves in an objectionable or pitiable manner.

Why was the word pregnant censored in the show I love Lucy?

In 1951, pregnancy was considered a delicate subject, and the word itself was thought to be distracting to the comedy of the situation. In the over six decades since then, public views of what is possibly objectionable have changed.