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spirit - in French âme, esprit.

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Q: What is another word for soul?
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Is there a French word that sounds identical to soul?

No, there is no French word that sounds identical to "soul." The French word for soul is "Γ’me" which is pronounced differently than "soul."

What is another four letter word for mind?

The word soul is often used to convey a similar concept as mind.

What the word to the definition the soul?

Another word is spirit. It is thought by some that when people die, their spirit goes to be with their god.

What could be a sentence with the word incarnation?

a soul that has died in one time and reborn in another

What is another word for air that starts with a b?

When the word air means to air out, then the word beginning with B is bare (like when someone bares their soul).

What is the Japanese word for soul force or the force of soul?

The Japanese word for soul force or the force of soul is Kami.

What is the homophone for the word sole?

The homophone for the word "sole" is "soul."

What is the homophone for the word soul?

The homophone for the word 'soul' is 'sole'.

What part of speech is the word soul?

The word "soul" is a noun.

What another word for spritual?

I think you mean SPIRITUAL. It means pertaining to the spirit or soul. Another word would be religious. You could also say otherworldly to mean spirit as opposed to body.

How do you use the word soul in a sentence?

There are two ways: as a noun and as an adjective (noun adjunct).* As a noun:"You took my soul""The soul is the spiritual or eternal part of the self, according to some religions."* As a modifier before another noun:"I like soul music.""He did much soul searching (soul-searching) before presenting his verdict.