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In English there isn't any other word for spokes.You could call them "tensile construction element" or something, but it'd just be silly.

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Q: What is another word for spokes?
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Related questions

What types of spokes are there?

There are many types of spokes. Some are the spokes on a bicycle, another are the spokes on a wheelchair, or you can even find them on baby carriages.

Can you use the word spokes in a sentence?

The bicycle wheel had multiple spokes that connected the rim to the center hub.

If a wagon wheel has 18 spaces between the spokes how many spokes does it have?

18. Picture it this way. If a wagon wheel had 2 spaces, it is easy to see that it would have two spokes, say, top and bottom. Adding another spoke would block off another space. From this idea, you can see that the number of spaces must equal the number of spokes.

What is a sentence for the word reflector?

Bicycles need a reflector on the spokes of the wheels.

If a wheel has 36 spokes how many spaces are there between the spokes?

A wheel with 64 spokes will have 64 spaces between the spokes.

What is another name for wheel spokes?

Spokes that are contained within the wheel's circumference, being fixed in a semi-permanent manner to allow the circular movement of the said wheel.

What is a 5 letter word beginning in the letter R that means spokes?


When was The Spokes created?

The Spokes was created in 2004.

An old fashioned bike wheel has 21 spokes How many spaces are between the spokes?

A wheel with 10 spokes will have 10 spaces between the spokes.

How many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra?

24 spokes

What is a short sentence that has a present tense verb and has the word metal in it?

The metal spokes on my bike are about to brake.

28 inches and its spokes run from the hun to the edge. the diameter of another bike wheel is 21 inches What is the difference betweenthe length of the spokes of the two wheels?

14 - 10.5 = 3.5. The difference is 3.5 inches.