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The eye of the storm

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Q: What is another word for the definition the center of a circular storm like a hurricane?
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What is the definition for pupils referring to the eyes?

The black circular opening in the center of the iris of the eye

What is meany by the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is a relatively calm and clear area at the center of the storm. It is surrounded by the eyewall, which is where the most intense winds and rain of the hurricane are found. The eye is typically circular and can range in size from a few miles to over 50 miles in diameter.

What has a calm eye?

A hurricane has a calm eye, which is a circular area of light winds and clear skies at the center of the storm.

What is the shape and size of a hurricane?

The size of hurricanes varies greatly among the storms. However, the storms are generally circular in shape with an eye at the center.

What is in the center of the hurricane?

The center of a hurricane is an area of calm winds called the eye of the hurricane.

What is the definition of hurricane eye?

The hurricane eye is the center of a hurricane, typically characterized by a calm, clear area of low pressure. It is surrounded by the eyewall, which contains the most intense winds and rainfall in the storm.

What is a palindrome for a hurricane's center?

A palindrome for a hurricane's center could be "eye." The eye of a hurricane is the calm, clear center surrounded by strong winds and rain.

Who named hurricane?

Hurricane Sandy was named by the National Hurricane Center.

What is the calm center of a hurricane call?

The calm center of a hurricane is called the eye of the storm.

When was Central Pacific Hurricane Center created?

Central Pacific Hurricane Center was created in 1970.

When was Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center created?

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center was created in 1970.

When did Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center end?

Eastern Pacific Hurricane Center ended in 1988.