

What is another word for understeer?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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front wheel drive

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Q: What is another word for understeer?
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Where online can someone learn more about oversteer and understeer?

One can learn more about oversteer and understeer from a driver's training instructor. Experience is also a great teacher, but maybe a dangerous one.

What might happen if you understeer going around a curve?

You may go off the road.

What is understeer?

Understeer is when you turn the steering wheel and through lack of grip, (caused by road conditions or possibly excess speed) the car does not follow i.e it goes straight on.

What is meant by understeer and oversteer for an automobile?

Understeer is when attempting to corner, the front wheels are turned in the direction you want to go, but the car travels forwards. (front wheel drive cars suffer this) Oversteer is when cornering the back end steps out and unless corrected quickly will cause the car to spin. (a trait of rear wheel drive cars)

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