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Q: What is any water that collects on the ground called?
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What is any type of water collecting on the ground?

That's generally called 'fresh' water.

Any form of water that fails from clouds and reaches the ground?

Is called precipitation.

Any question and answer for ground water consurvation and artificial recharge technique?

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Any water drawn from below the water table is?

ground water

Does well water contain sodium?

Well water can contain any mineral that's in the ground -including sodium .Well water can contain any mineral that's in the ground -including sodium .

Any water drawn from below the water table is referred to as?

Ground water.

What Photosynthesis produces and where does it produce it?

Photosynthesis is produced in the leaves of any plant. This is how the process of Photosynthesis works: The roots soak in water and minerals from the ground and the plant collects carbon dioxide from the air and with sunlight, the plant produces food also known as glucose or sugar.

How water soaks down to the ground?

Water soaks down to the ground through a process called infiltration. When it rains, the water lands on the surface and then seeps into the soil. The rate of infiltration depends on the type of soil, its porosity, and the presence of any barriers such as rocks or compacted soil. Gravity also plays a role in pulling the water deeper into the ground.

What do you call water vapor that has condense into small water droplets near the ground?

A collection of water droplets suspended in the air is called a cloud. If the collection of water droplets is close to the ground it is called fog.

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Any plant that soaks up water from the ground directly into its cells?

Any plant that soaks up water from the ground directly into it's cells ?

Why does a dry well not contain any water?

Because it is above the line of water (where the water in the ground starts) therefore it doesnt have any water.