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deaf or hard of hearing people can do everything except hearing.

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Q: What is anything do you think deaf people cannot do?
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Are there deaf violinist?

yes! deaf people can do anything like hearing people do.

What is worse about deaf?

i am confused... why is this in dog health? Look nothing is worse then being hearing, being normal, being iggrogant. Deaf people do not usually think anything is better then being deaf. Hearing nothing worse then being deaf, it depends on where you are from.

What language do deaf people think in?

Deaf people may think in sign language, visual images, or written language, depending on their experiences and preferences. Some may also think in a combination of these forms.

If a baby is born deaf what language does it hear in?

The baby wouldn't here anything so no language would be herd

Who is sign language for?

People who cannot hear (Deaf) or cannot or do not speak, and also for the people who wish to communicate with people who primarily use sign.

What are tone deaf people?

When someone cannot sing in key and and do not realize that they are out of tune. Hope this helped! :)

What did Helen Keller do that was important?

She proved that people that are blind or deaf can accomplish anything.

How do you spell death as in ear death?

I think the word you are looking for is "Deaf".The word "Deaf" means a person who cannot hear. It sounds similar to "death" in spoken language, but they are different words.

What are problems deaf people have?

Deaf people cannot hear because they were born with the disability or they became deaf when growing up such as listning to loud music all the time ect.

When did Mozart come deaf?

Mozart was deaf but he never was. Most people believe he was deaf In fact my sister asked my mum if Mozart was deaf i think she has been watching Night at the Museum!

Why is a cochlear implant better than a hearing aid?

A cochlear implant can help people who are completely deaf to "hear" sound. They can hear well enough to understand speech, even over the telephone. A hearing aid cannot help someone who is completely deaf to hear anything.

Why do deaf people ignore others?

Deaf people are no different than other people, except for the fact they can't hear. They don't ignore others on purpose anymore than anyone else. They are deaf and don't always know when they are being spoken to. Likewise, plenty of deaf folks believe that hearing people are ignoring them. A lot of people feel uncomfortable around deaf people since they cannot speak their language. The hearing people get in their groups and get to talking, and forget about those who cannot hear them. That is why there is even a bit of a deaf supremacy attitude in some deaf circles, because they feel excluded by those who can hear. Some take that attitude to a militant extreme, like the couple who wanted genetic engineering done to ensure they had a deaf child, and the deaf folks who consider people with cochlear implants to be sellouts.