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376285 km

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Q: What is approximate distance to moon from earth's surface?
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Related questions

Why can you stand on the earths surface but not the Moon's surface?

You can stand on the moon surface if you can get there

How large is the moon and how far is it from the Earth?

The volume of the moon is 2.1958×1010km3 ( 0.020 Earths), the surface area is3.793×107km2(0.074 Earths), the mass is7.3477×1022kg(0.0123 Earths) and theequatorialcircumference is10,921 km. The moon is an average distance of384,400 km (238,900mi) from Earth.

How long does it take the reflected ray of light from the full moon to get to earths surface?

1.28 seconds at the moon's average distance from earth ... same as for a radio signal.

Why does the Earths orbit?

Moon and earth distance

When at sea level are you closer to the earths core or the Moon's surface?


What is the surface type of earths moon?

It is rocky with craters.

The craters on the surface of earths moon were produced by what?

The craters on the surface of the Earth's moon were produced by impacts from meteoroids and asteroids. These impact events occurred over billions of years as the moon lacks an atmosphere to protect it from incoming objects.

When standing at sea level which are you nearer to the earths core or the Moon's surface?

Earths core

What is the force on the Moon's surface compared to the force of gravity on earths surface?

The moon's gravity is about 1/6th of the earth's.

How far is the earths moon from mercury?

Varying from the the distance from the Earth to the Moon + the distance from the sun to the earth + the distance from mercury to the sun, to the distance from the earth to the sun - the distance from mercury to the sun - the distance from the earth to the moon

How much more is Earths surface of gravity than the Moon's?

Earths surface of gravity is 4.6m/s2 more than moons.

Why doesn't the earths surface resemble that mercury and the moon?
