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(aq) is from aqueous, a substance in solution.

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Q: What is aq called after one of the substances in a chemical equation?
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What is the change of one substance into another substance?

A change from one or more substances to another is a chemical change.

What are the Importance of stoichiometry in chemical reactions?

stoichiometry is very important in chemical equations because it tells you the relationship between substances in the same chemical equation. If you know the properties and relationship of one substance in the equation, you can calculate the relationships between all the substances in the equation.

Basic substances are called?

Substances formed by only one type of atoms are called chemical elements.

What is an equation in which two or more substances form one substance?

This is a type of chemical reaction called a synthesis reaction. In a synthesis reaction, there are two or more reactants, but only one product.

The change that takes place when two or more substances interact to form new substances is called a reaction.?


Substances that enter a reaction are termed?

A substance which enters into a chemical reaction is called a reactant.In a chemical reaction-also called chemical change- one or more reactants (the initial substances that enter into the reaction) change into one or more products (the final substances that are present at the end of the reaction).

A chemical change of original substance into one or more new substances is called?

Substances that undergo chemical change are called reactants.

Is the change that takes place when two or more substances interact to form new substances.?

A chemical reaction is the change that takes place when different substances react with one another to form new substances. The substances that react in a chemical reaction are called the reactants and the new substances formed are called the products.

Name the substance produced in a reaction?

These substances are called products in English.

Is magnesium a reactant or product?

It depends on the chemical reaction taking place.magnesium + oxygen -> magnesium oxideIn equation 1 it would be a reactant.magnesium oxide -> magnesium + oxygenIn equation 2 it would be a product.If magnesium is on the left-hand side of the equation it is a reactant.If magnesium is on the right-hand side of the equation it is a product.From Wikipedia:"The substances initially involved in a chemical reaction are called reactants. Chemical reactions are usually characterized by a chemical change, and they yield one or more products, which usually have properties different from the reactants."

What Process changes matter into one or more new substances?

A chemical reaction is a process in which new substances are formed.

What represents chemical names of substances in a chemical equation?

In a chemical equation, each element has a symbol (in the periodic table in the elements). You use those symbols to create a chemical equation. For example, water is H2O. "H" represents Hydrogen, "O" represents Oxygen and the 2 means that there are two oxygen particles for each oxygen particle. Together, this creates one water molecule.