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the evolving form of imprisonment and detention. For example since there are very few death sentences prisons nowadays have programs for prisons to reform themselves like becoming massage therapists, mini-store owners and carpenters

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Q: What is arbitrary imprisonment?
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Does the constitution or state protects citizens from arbitrary arrest and bail?

The constitution protects against arbitrary arrest and imprisonment that was suspended by Lincoln

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The three main principles of the Petition of Right are: the prohibition of non-parliamentary taxation, the banning of arbitrary imprisonment, and the restriction of the use of martial law during peacetime.

Is morphology one sector of grammar that is completely arbitrary?

No, morphology is not completely arbitrary in grammar. It involves the structure and formation of words, which often follow rules and patterns in a language. These rules dictate how words are created, and while there may be exceptions, there is still systematicity in how morphological rules apply.

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These are our output. But it is Arbitrary.

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Rigorous imprisonment refers to a stricter form of incarceration where the prisoner must perform hard labor or endure harsher conditions as part of their sentence. This differs from simple imprisonment, where the prisoner serves their time without the additional requirement of hard labor or harsh conditions. Rigorous imprisonment is often reserved for more serious offenses.

Can you use arbitrary in a sentence?

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What kind of things went on during the Holocaust?

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How do you use arbitrary in a sentence?

Nobody made him do it; his decision was arbitrary.

When was Arbitrary Execution created?

Arbitrary Execution was created in 1989.

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What is a sentence for the word arbitrary?

He made an arbitrary decision to be on the green team. Most banks are prohibited from making arbitrary decisions on granting consumer loans. There is an arbitrary dividing line between VHF and UHF frequencies.