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Q: What is astronaut divided into syllables?
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How many syllables does the word astronaut has?

3 syllables

What is the syllables for astronaut?

The first syllable.

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How is the word altogether divided into syllables?

Altogether is divided up into 4 syllables .

What does astronaut look like in syllabes?

There are three syllables. As-tro-naut.

How is the word picture divided into syllables?

There are two syllables divided like this: pic-ture.

What is the word daughter divided into syllables?

There are two syllables divided like this: daugh-ter.

Where is greeted divided into syllables?

Greeted is divided into syllables like so: greet-ed.

What is suspect divided into syllables?

There are two syllables divided like so: sus-pect.

How should the word hungry be divided into syllables?

The word "hungry" is divided into two syllables: hun-gry.

How is syllables divided?

There are 3 syllables. Syll-a-bles.

How is lariat divided into syllables?

It has three syllables: lar-i-at.