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Q: What is auditability in research?
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What is mean by public auditability?

verification of public data is public auditablity

What are the four goals when trying to design an effective spreadsheet model?

communication, reliability, auditability, modifiability.

What is a decision trail in qualitative research?

According to Polit and Beck (2010) a decision trail (analogous to an audit log or audit trail) "articulates the researchers' decision rules for categorizing data and making analytic inferences" (page 498). Essentially, a decision trail is the documentation of the analytic choices made throughout the research. It enhances transparency and is "a useful way to enhance the auditability (explicitness) of the study" (page 498), all of which contribute to rigour and trustworthiness.

What is audit ability related to qualtitaive research?

Auditability in qualitative research refers to the ability of an external researcher to examine the study's processes, decisions, and findings to ensure transparency and trustworthiness. It involves providing a clear and detailed description of the research methodology, data collection methods, and analysis techniques so that others can follow and confirm the study's validity. This helps establish the credibility of the research and allows for verification of the research process by external parties.

What is research instrument in research methodology?

research instrument in research methodology is a research instrument in research methodology.

Is it research has or research have?

Research has.

What makes library research different from field research?

A library research is a research in the library while field research is research in the field.....................

How can you tell if you are going to buy a good airsoft gun online?

Research, research, research, more research, research, research, more research and handling of what it is you think you want to buy after some more research.

What statements are true concerning GFEBS?

GFEBS (General Fund Enterprise Business System) is the US Army's web-enabled financial, asset, and accounting management system. It helps the Army achieve auditability and supports financial visibility and decision-making. GFEBS includes modules for budget execution, funds management, cost management, and real property and equipment accountability.

Different types of research?

There are a variety of types of research. These include quantitative research, qualitative research, pragmatic research, as well as participatory research.

How is educational research classified?

Educational research can be classified into different categories such as quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed methods research, action research, and experimental research. These classifications are based on the research methods, approaches, and design used to answer research questions in the field of education.

Is research singular or plural?

The noun 'research' is singular; there is no plural form. Multiples are expressed in units describing the research, such as a body of research, works of research, or results of research. The word 'research' is also a verb (research, researches, researching, researched) and is sometimes used as an adjective, such as research student, research funding, etc.