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They were likely frugivores, and despite the lack of the opposable big toes of other apes, they had long, strong arms, curved fingers, and a wide frame that allowed them to climb trees quite well. The big toe is alligned with the other toes to provide the final push of in bipedal walking. This likely evolved because bipedalism is a very efficient way of traveling, and in their scattered landscape of trees and savanna, that's very useful. They weren't yet the master hunters of their decendants, but would occasionally scavange from kills and use rocks to break open bones to get at the marrow. When little fruit was in season, they likely used sticks to dig for roots and tubers. This combined lifestyle of living in the trees and on the ground allowed a very successful species, australopithecus afarensis to survive for over 900 thousand years.

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14y ago

Well, i think they learned to make stone choppers (that we have found) to scrape and things like that. I also heard that they were cannibals, sometimes, when they had no more food.

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