

What is autoregulation?

Updated: 6/10/2024
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16y ago

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Autoregulation is a specific form of homeostasis used to describe the tendency of the body to keep blood flow constant when blood pressure varies.[1]. While most systems of the body show some degree of autoregulation, it is most clearly observed in the kidney, the heart, and the brain.[2] Perfusion of these organs (especially the latter two) is essential for life, and through autoregulation the body can divert blood (and thus, oxygen) where it is most needed. One key component of autoregulation is the absence of central control. The "auto" in autoregulation refers to the ability of the organ to maintain a stable flow without the involvement of the autonomic nervous system.

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3h ago

Autoregulation is the ability of a system to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes. In the context of physiology, autoregulation refers to the ability of organs and tissues to regulate their own blood flow and perfusion in response to changes in metabolic demands. This helps ensure that vital functions are maintained within a narrow range for optimal functioning.

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Autoregulation. You're welcome :)

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