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Q: What is average temperature on Eris?
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What is the high temperature of the dwarf planet Eris?

Eris has an average surface temperature of 42.5 kelvin which is roughly -230C (-383F) so quite cold.

What planet has the lowest average temperature?

Neptune(If you include dwarf planets it is Eris)

How is the weather in Eris?

The temperature on the Dwarf Planet Eris is below 120 degrees Celcius.

What is the temperature for eris?

The dwarf planet Eris has a minimum surface temperature of 30oK (-405.67oF, -243.15oC), a mean temperature of 42.5oK (-383.17oF, -230.65oC), and a maximum temperature of 55oK (-360.67oF, -218.15oC).

What is the temperature range for Eris compare to earth?

in the eris is hot and cold combine and the rest the cold and hot are seprite :D

How far is Eris from the sun on average?

96.6 AU

What size and shape are the Eris planet?

Eris is a spherical object that is 2326 kilometers across on average, which makes it slightly smaller than Pluto.

How much colder is Pluto than earth?

Pluto's temperature is around 43 K. For comparison, the temperature on Earth is somewhere around 300 K. Pluto's temperature should vary quite a bit, depending on its distance from the Sun, since its orbit is fairly excentric.

Does Eris revolve around the sun before Pluto?

Pluto is closer to the sun on average than Eris is, but both have probably existed for about the same amount of time.

How far from the sun does it take Eris to orbit?

Eris is 97 astronomical units away from the sun. ( an astronomical unit is the average distance between Earth and the Sun)

What is the average temperature for a swamp?

The average temperature is here. The average temperature is here.

What is the low temperature of the dwarf planet Eris?

About 30 Kelvin, 30° above absolute zero (or -243°C).