

What is bad about the sun?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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its hot

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Q: What is bad about the sun?
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Is the sun bad for your hair?

Sun is not bad for hair,sun can lighten hair,but is not bad for it.

Bad things about being in the sun?

the bad things of being in the sun is that you canget skin cancer and the sun get blind you but if you dont have that much sun its ok but to much can get you ill

What is the bad things about the sun?

one thing is bad in the sun is Heart attack .......... Face the sun .... what do you feeling when the sun see at least 1mins ^_^...... that all the answer....... i means to say to you the answer are in you

Is the sun bad for the earth?

Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth.

Why does the sun smell bad?

The actual smell of the sun is unknown. The reason some animals smell bad after being out in the sun could be a "stink" gland that is being activated by the sun. The reason some clothing or materials could stink after being in the sun could be whatever is on the material could smell bad when dried.

Which days will be good and bad for leo?

There are a number of days in a year that are considered bad and good days for leo. The most common days are considered bad are the day of the moon, the day of the sun and the day of the pluto. The day of the moon is considered bad because the moon's shadow of the earth blocks the sun's light. The day of the sun is considered bad because the sun is in the constellation Leo.

Is it bad to wear a bikini?

No, it is not bad to wear a bikini. But, it is sunbathing without a sun-screen that is bad!

Why is it bad to look at the sun?

Because the UV rays of the sun can damage our eyes.

How can you get bad vision fast?

Sometimes it is heredity while there are others who stare at the sun too long and didn't know it was bad to stare at the sun

What are the bad things from the sun?

skin cancer

What is the results if sun has no gravity to it?

It would be Bad!

Why can't we look directly at the sun?

the sun is too bright it will burn your eyes bad