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Q: What is based on belief that all people are equal?
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That all people are created equal.

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All people are created equal

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how does the african slave trade contradict the belief that all men are creted equal?

What sort of people disliked fox hunting?

It is all based on belief. Some people believe that hunting for sport is inhumane. That is usually the reason.

What is the belief of The Declaration of Independence?

that all men are created equal.

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What do egalitarian people stand for?

Egalitarianism is the belief that all people deserve and should have equal rights across all areas. This includes economic, political, philosophical, religious, and military domains.

How can you use equal protection in a sentence?

The equal protection clause ensures that all citizens are treated equally under the law.

What is the main belief of the declarations of independence?

All men are created equal.

What belief is that all people are equal?

The belief that all people are equal is the principle of equality, rooted in the idea that every individual should have the same rights, opportunities, and treatment regardless of their race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic. This concept serves as the foundation for human rights and promotes fairness, justice, and inclusivity in society.

What is the define for the feminism?

The belief that women deserve equal rights in all respects.

What is definition egalitarian?

It means equal or level.One need to ask it is equality in what?It can be equality in income leading to egalitarian structure of society.It is characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people.