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Ugly Betty and a Pug. :)

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Q: What is beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside?
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What is ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside?

Ugly Betty and a Pug. :)

What is the word for ugly on the inside beautiful on the outside?


Your called your beautiful on the inside because your not on the outside. Isn't that calling you ugly outside?


Why are the uglies conditioned to become the pretties?

Sometimes, it all depends if the person in the ugliest conditions may be ugly on the outside but beautiful on the inside which mean they have a beautiful personality which could mean even thought they are ugly, they smile alot.

What should you do if you are ugly?

What is "ugly" to one person could be beautiful to another. There is someone out there for everyone. Be beautiful in your heart and it will be noticed by the right person for you. There are many people out there who are "pretty" on the outside but ugly on the inside. Boys soon find that out.

How do you get a girl if you are ugly?

in my mind no one is ugly. everyone is beautiful inside and out. you just have to be yourself, and any girl should like you for who you are.

How can you tell a person they a ugly in a kind way?

You have a great personality. You are beautiful on the inside. You are not my type.

Would you say this person is ugly?

No one is truly ugly. There will always be someone that finds the person beautiful. Ugliness is more about what the person is like on the inside. If they are rude, they are ugly.

What represents beauty?

Beauty comes from inside. Beauty is not on the outside! It isn't how pretty a girl/boy is. Beauty is passion, and being kind inside. People can be beautiful on the outside, but that isn't beauty, because they can also be harsh, and shallow. Ugly, nice people are beautiful. They are kind, and that's what really counts! Beauty comes from inside. Beauty is not on the outside! It isn't how pretty a girl/boy is. Beauty is passion, and being kind inside. People can be beautiful on the outside, but that isn't beauty, because they can also be harsh, and shallow. Ugly, nice people are beautiful. They are kind, and that's what really counts!

Why does everyone like Lauren Cimorelli the most she is ugly?

Lauren is a beautiful (inside and out) and talented girl! I don't know why some people think she is ugly.

Can a guy be beautiful?

I think anyone can be beautiful, whether it be inside beauty or outside beauty. So, to answer your question, a guy can be beautiful.

What does full of beauty mean?

Someone who is beautiful, Inside and outside. ie) Someone who looks beautiful, and also beautiful in heart.