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In the Caribbean, they are watching and tagging them as they can. It is illegal to touch one or to bother the eggs.

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they have some of them in captivity so they can reproduce

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Q: What are people doing to help save sea turtles?
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What actions are people doing to save the turtles?

Make an organization to save the species.

What can you do to help save turtles?

by not throwing trash in the ocean.

How are sea turtles helpful?

People should save turtles, because if a lot of them are getting killed, there aren't going to be any turtles left. And their are approximately 200 turtles left on earth because of what people are doing to them. Please do not try to harm any creature...

How can you help save sea turtles?

By not killing them or killing them for meat or for their leather.Tehy are very special to people. so leave them alone.

What organizations help save the sea turtles?

The people called the NSTSTF are the special people who work to save the Sea Turtles. The NSTSTF is a foundation created for the protection of the environment, promotion of scientific investigation and to contribute to environmental education in our communities.

Why is the yellow blotched map turtle endangered and what is being done to save it?

Because the Chinese eat them. Me and my friend like turtles and I have two baby Alligator Snapping Turtles. I want to try and help save them, but I am not capable of telling people what to do. Hopefully someone will put a stop to people eating them. I hope this was helpful.

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People are mostaly keeping them in the zoos and places were they wont be killed for there skins

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The question is what are you doing to save the albatross?

What are people doing to save the tigers?

people are trying to save tigers by kookoolaashi.

What are people in cuba doing to save dwarf hutias?

people are doing nothing

What are people doing to help Haiti?

OK so Haiti is in need of help and we are going to help but people are not exactly sure what they are doing to help or how much money they will be given because president Obama is doing the right thing and he is going to help them no doubt ALSO, some people send rescue teams to save people from the rubble. or send donations to the red cross and send money and food. i hope this answered you r question.

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