

Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are a marine animal. There are seven species in the world, and most are endangered.

911 Questions

What is the structural adaptation of a sea turtle?

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A structural adaptation of a sea turtle is its streamlined body shape, which allows it to move efficiently through water. Additionally, its flippers help it to swim and navigate in the ocean.

What is the largest leather back sea turtle ever found?

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The largest leatherback sea turtle ever found was recorded to be about 10.5 feet in length and weighed around 2,019 pounds. These turtles are the largest species of turtle and can reach impressive sizes in the wild.

What are the daily habits and behaviors of sea stars?

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Sea stars are slow-moving animals that primarily feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish. They typically use their tube feet and suction-cup-like structures to move around and capture prey. Sea stars also have a unique feeding mechanism where their stomach can be pushed out of their body to digest food externally.

How does global warming affect sea turtles?

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Global warming can impact sea turtles in several ways, including rising sea levels that may erode nesting beaches, increased storm intensity that can destroy nests, and changes in water temperature that can disrupt migration patterns and nesting behavior. Additionally, global warming can also lead to ocean acidification, which affects the food sources of sea turtles.

What is the scientific name for a leatherback sea turtle?

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The scientific name for a leatherback sea turtle is Dermochelys coriacea.

What is the scientific name for the sea turtle?

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The scientific name for sea turtles is "Cheloniidae" for the family that includes most species, and some common species are also known by specific scientific names, like "Chelonia mydas" for the green sea turtle.

How far can loggerhead turtles travel in migrations?

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The Loggerhead sea turtle can be found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. The loggerhead mostly stays in the water, females come out of the water briefly to lay eggs.

Is a Sea turtles muiticellular or unicellular?

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It's multicellular, just like you and I. If it were a single cell, that would be different.

How do you say sea turtle in Hebrew?

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Sea bass refers to more than a dozen different species of fish. Menus in Israel usually just call it סיבס (SEE-bahss)

How long is a green sea turtle pregnant?

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Green sea turtles do not become pregnant. They lay eggs.

A few weeks after mating, a female green sea turtle arrives on the beach and digs a hole in the ground for her eggs. Inside the hole, she lays over 75 - 200 eggs and then covers the hole with sand. Read more from the article this was copied from by clicking on the link, below.

How long can a sea turtle stay under water?

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Sea turtles can stay under water for almost their whole life! One of the only times they come out of the water is when they are going to lay there eggs because they lay there eggs on land and leave them and then the babies have to find there way back to sea all by themselves. Most of them get eaten by seagulls on their way so that's why there are not so many sea turtles... Most of them get eaten.

How long can a sea turtle grow to be?

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a sea turtle can grow up to 8 feet in length and 3 to 5 feet in width

What are leatherback sea turtle's enemis?

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Type your answer here... Sharks, Killer whales, but mostly man. Man can run them over by speeding boats, or have the turtle eat trash we leave behind. It is very sad.

How much does a Leatherback Sea Turtle eat?

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Because leatherbacks primarily eat jellyfish. They have two sharply pointed cusps, one on the upper and one on the lower jaw that allows them to pierce jellies and other soft-bodied organisms.

Sea turtle as a pet?

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sea turtles cannot be kept as pets. it is against the law to own one because they are endangered.

Is the sea turtle a fish?

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A sea turtle is neither. It is a reptile, just like the snakes and lizards on land are reptiles.

How do leatherback sea turtles survive?

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twisting, turning and splashing at water surface helps confuse predators

What do sea turtles use their legs for?

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I am pretty sure sea turtles legs are called flippers. Also, i think they can be called webbed feet. You know, i think they can be called fins too. I would go wth flippers.

What is the mating habit of a leatherback sea turtle?

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the behaviourl adaptations are to be mad at everything it sees

Are leatherback sea turtles in danger?

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As a matter of fact, the conservation status of the leatherback sea turtle is Critically Endangered. They are threatened by pollution (both floating trash and chemical pollution), as well as accidentally being caught in fishing nets. That is one reason that it's best to buy line-caught fish.


The leatherback turtle species is so old, seeing one i like seeing a dinosaur. Their species is endangered. They are getting poached for eggs. Also with littering, plastic bags are going into the ocean and leatherback turtles are mistaking it for jellyfish. They swallow, choke, and their population is decreasing fast!

What do their flippers allow sea turtles to do?

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To steer, ride the ocean currents, and swim.

What are solutions to to help the green sea turtle survive?

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Well to my consideration we should clean up the beach after storms or make sure our landfill won't fill up with garbage that could end up in the water or maybe take it simple recycle.

What degree do sea turtles live in?

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tropical underwater