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We need to save the Tasmanian forester Kangaroo because.......1. They need to be off the endangered species list.

2. They are our food, they produce red meat, red meat gives iron.

3. They are great entertainment, especially at Australia Zoo, Dreamworld, etc.

4. They are educating children about them and about other Australian animals.

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12y ago
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14y ago

At this stage, the koala is not officially endangered. There are, however, many threats to the koala's continued survival.

In the past, species such as the koala, have been exploited for their fur or skins. Koala populations fell dramatically as a result, and in some areas were wiped out completely.

Laws were brought in to protect these species - although it hasn't stopped black marketeers from exploiting some and selling them as exotic pets overseas, such as the harmless, delicate sugar glider.

The koala needs a specific environment to survive, including a limited range of eucalyptus trees. Without at least somelaws in place, the population could easily be wiped out. For example, urban sprawl and development has resulted in the loss of koala populations along the central NSW coast, whilst the koala population of southeast Queensland has fallen by 60% in the past decade.

So why should we save koalas? They occupy a unique niche in the ecosystem, and all animal species deserve to be protected. Without the assistance of humans to counteract the damage they do, the koala as a species is doomed.

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14y ago

Tree kangaroos sghould be saved because whatever eats tree kangaroos wont have lots to eat and they will be losing food and they would have less food to eat.

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10y ago

u dont help at all

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9y ago

it is endangered because of poo

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Q: Why and how do people save kangaroos?
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How many people have been eaten by kangaroos?

Probably zero considering kangaroos do not eat people.

Why do you have kangaroos?

most people who have kangaroos work for a place that raises them such as a zoo or wildcare

What type of kangaroo did the aborigines eat?

All species of kangaroos can be eaten, whether they are red kangaroos, grey kangaroos, wallaroos, wallabies, potoroos, tree kangaroos or rat-kangaroos.

Do kangaroos have law?

Yeah , They do . Kangaroos are homosapien . Dont let other people with glasses tell you otherwise.

What habits do Kangaroos have?

kicking people and predators.

Are all kangaroos wild?

Most kangaroos are wild. Kangaroos that are kept in wildlife sanctuaries which are open to the public tend to be used to people. In these places, the gentler kangaroos are kept in huge, fenced paddocks where visitors can roam and feed the kangaroos on grain they purchase from the sanctuary shop. These kangaroos will graze contendedly despite the presence of humans, or come up to people, nuzzling them for food. In one or two states of Australia, kangaroos are permitted to be kept as pets, but not in suburban areas.

What do kangaroos look like when they are running?

kangaroos look like people but with 2 legs hopping along the grund

Are you a kangaroo?

No. People are not kangaroos by any means. They do not have pouches.

How kangaroos become kangaroos?

Kangaroos are born as kangaroos.

What transportation do people have in Australia?

Mainly Kangaroos when they're available.

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Are kangaroos a food?

Kangaroo meat is a food. It is mainly available for consumption in Australia, where kangaroos are very common. It is a meat that is eaten by animals and people.