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Learning,studying,seeing, listening,questioning is being in philosophy

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1mo ago

Being in philosophy refers to the study of existence, reality, and the nature of being itself. Philosophers explore questions related to what it means to exist, the essence of reality, and what it means to be a conscious being in the world. This branch of philosophy delves into the fundamental aspects of existence and the nature of reality.

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Is there an African philosophy?

Every human person by nature is rational, by the the participation in that essence rationality, any person is capable to reason. The fact is that there can be no philosophy without a rational being in act, here using the principle of causality, I maintain that reason is the causality) of philosophizing. Now for the fact is that every being act according to its nature, it is impossible to refuse or deny of a rational being the act of philosophizing. For by the virtue of participation in the concept rationality the causality of philosophy, the objection of a philosophy to an African native should be revised. like Aristotle affirms with Aquinas man is rational being by nature, therefore by that participation in the power of reason an African has his own philosophy. For every philosophy has a context, moment of influence, materiel and object of philosophizing. This is the reason why an African philosophy has its own concern of matter of philosophizing: leading to what is particularly African philosophy.

What does the dictionary say is the definition of philosophy?

The dictionary essentially defines Philosophy as the study of knowledge or the study of how we know knowledge. Another definition of philosophy is basically a set of views or theories of a particular philosopher. An example of this is Objectivism being the philosophy created by writer Ann Rand.

Why is it that philosophy is considered as a science of being?

I would argue that metaphysics is more a study of being. Existentialism mor specifically