

What is beneath the epidermis?

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Q: What is beneath the epidermis?
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What layer of skin is beneath the outer layer?

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. The dermis is beneath the epidermis.

Epidermis on outside of root just beneath?

Epidermis is on the outside of root just beneath the palisade layer of the leaves. The epidermis is common in roots and will be used to absorb nutrients.

What is a single layer of cells beneath the cuticle?

It is the epidermis.

What layer of skin is the outer layer of skin?

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. The dermis is beneath the epidermis.

What layer of the skin is the dermis?

It is the layer of skin beneath the epidermis.

A nail will grow from the?

A nail will grow from the nail matrix, located beneath the epidermis.

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Tissue that lies beneath the epidermis and make up the majority of the plant is called

What portion of the skin is the dermis?

Dermis-- The deeper portion or layer of the skin beneath the epidermis.

The long narrow cells located directly beneath the upper epidermis are called palisade parenchyma cells?


What are the dermis and the epidermis?

The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin forming a waterproof, protective wrap over the body's surface. The dermis is the layer beneath the epidermis which is made of connective tissue that provides cushioning from stress and strain.

What does the dermis grow?

This is the layer beneath the skin (epidermis). Look up dermis on WikiPedia. The dermis is all over your body.

Photosynthesis is carried out in these which are located in the cellthat are underneath the epidermis?

The palisade mesophyll is located directly beneath, and then the spongy mesophyll is located beneath that. Both contain large amounts of chloroplasts which carry out photosynthesis.