

What would win a hamster or a gerbil?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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We've had both hamsters and gerbils for the last 7 years. Neither one is easier; they're just different. If you want a pet that's relatively cuddly, "European Black Bear Hamsters" are the best we've found. They're large and docile with a friendly disposition. Teddy bear hamsters are next on the "friendly" scale. Our dwarf hamsters are pettable but not particularly cuddly. Gerbils are not good "hold me" critters. They're quick and jumpy, and they dig almost constantly (in tubes, in their wheel, in the corners of their cage) all night long. You can only occasionally keep two hamsters in the same cage, but Gerbils of the same gender get along pretty well. And for sheer recycling power, nothing beats gerbils. A couple healthy gerbils can chew a big round oatmeal box down to splinters in about an hour. They're both pretty low-maintenance, and interesting to watch. It just depends what you want in a small, furry pet. Good luck I have only had a hamster, and I studdied her and all she did was eat, sleep, climb in her tunnel, run on her whell, and sleep some more. accasoinly she bit you but that was me. not my mo mdad or brother or even my sister. My friend had some mice and there like gerbals and they got annoying. they always got out of there cage they only slept durn=ing the day, they played all night and so on. That;s why she traded them in for a hamster. which does the same as mine did. I have only had a hamster, and I studdied her and all she did was eat, sleep, climb in her tunnel, run on her whell, and sleep some more. accasoinly she bit you but that was me. not my mo mdad or brother or even my sister. My friend had some mice and there like gerbals and they got annoying. they always got out of there cage they only slept durn=ing the day, they played all night and so on. That;s why she traded them in for a hamster. which does the same as mine did. I have a Gerbil and he is really easy to take care of. They don't drink much. They don't eat much and there cage only needs to be cleaned about once a week. They arn't really a " hold me pet" but they are cuddley.

Well, both of them need to get used to you first. They need their cages cleaned once a week. They're pretty much the same. I only have a hamster and I've seen gerbils and read about them. They're both pretty equal.

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15y ago
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12y ago


AnswerI have a Gerbil so GERBILS! AnswerGerbils are morning and evening types, and a hamster is an enening type but will stay up with you until like midnight. so it depends on what you are, an evening or a morning person.
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14y ago

Hi, if you like a active fun and playful pet go for a gerbil, but if you want one that will snuggle up with you then go for a hamster. Gerbils hardly urinate so if you want to get it out and not change its cage as much go for the gerbil. hamsters are smarter and easier to train but are nocturnal but gerbils come out in the day.

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12y ago

GERBILS! Hamsters will bite more often, hamsters are very solitary, can get scared more easily, are nocturnal, and just sleep in their nests all day. Gerbils are probably better for a few reasons:

1. are social and love to be handled and held, and will not bite, and better with kids

2. are diurnal, which means that they will be running around and playing with you during the day, unlike hamsters, who you will have to wait until 9:00 PM to play with them because hamsters are nocturnal

3. they are much funner to watch: they are interesting when eating, playing, socializing, and burrowing (they are more of wild animals that you can obserb)

4. they do not smell; hamsters, unlike gerbils, will start giving off odors by only the second day you have it most often

5. they hop, and are very active and playful, like a kangaroo

6. most gerbils have a long tail, which makes them special, hamsters have almost or no tails at all, making gerbils more interesting to look at

7. they eat more stuff then hamsters; gerbils will eat cereal, vegetables, nuts, seeds, berries, bark, and much much more

8. they come in so many colors! You can choose from over 100 patterns and colors, from browns, blacks, whites, grays, coppers, golds, yellows, lavenders, chocolates, fawns, agoutis, and so many more! Can come in solids, bicolors, tricolors, and wild-like agouti.

I would say a hamster. They tend to be a bit slower than gerbils. They also are easier to maintain, most of the time friendlier. They also can be kept in smaller place and fluffier and look less like rats.

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11y ago

gerbils are better and more reliable pets. I have had pets all my life, especially rodents and after owning 13 mice, several different breeds of hamsters (including teddy bear, & dwar, the two favorites) I can say that my two gerbils now are by far the easiest to handle, care for, and love :)

gerbils are naturally inquisitive, a bit smarter than most rodents, very entertaining to watch (they make tunnels and like to build towers out of fluff), and almost weirdly friendly. it seems like they must have very few natural predators in the wild because they always want to come right up to you and snifff you, eat food out of your hand, etc. they also hop more than run, so they are easy to catch if they escape.

they are also cleaner, poop and pee a little less than other rodents, are diurnal (come out in early morning and afternoon rather than purely nocturnal), and require less food and water because they are desert animals.

of course every gerbil is different and they need to be handled from a young age. they also chew through EVERYTHING and need many chew toys.

***One thing thats VERY important to know is that you should never get just one gerbil. they are very, very social creatures, so two is best. (three can be problematic, ive heard).

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13y ago

Gerbils, because you don't have to wash them. And,since it's best to buy them in small groups, they can make friends. Just like people. :)

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14y ago

Hamsters have shorter tails than gerbils and have different behavior characteristics and are slightly bigger.

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12y ago

One kills your, the other eats you

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