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Omega three is usually essential to every woman whether during or before menopause stage, it has no specifics on age since it has a variety of health benefits. On that note though, you could use omega 3 if at all you feel it is essential but I would opt for primrose oil because it does focus on effects of menopause such as breast pain associated with the menstrual cycle, premenstrual symptoms and menopausal symptoms.

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Q: What is better for menopause women primrose oil or omega 3?
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Do men get menopause?

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On average, women in the US go through menopause at age 51. After menopause, women stop ovulating.

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I joined a menopause forum where women ask questions and talk about all things related to menopause.

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Menopause can be a very serious issue with women. It can also be very difficult for many women to deal with it. So you can go to the website to find support for menopause symptoms.

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Women can have decreasing hormones during 7 years before entering menopause. This time is called pre-menopause.

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Women who are near menopause

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