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Q: What is better to put out fire sugar or sand?
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Does sand help put out fire fire?

Starves it of oxygen

How do you put out an magnesium fire?

you throw dry sand on it

How do you separate sugar and sand?

To separate a sugar and sand mixture, there are two methods. The first is to slowly heat the mixture until the sugar melts. The second is to put the mixture into a solvent, such as water, where the sugar will dissolve, leaving behind the sand.

Why sand is used to put off the fire?

Sand forms a barrier between the fuel (whatever is on fire) and oxygen from the air.

How does sand on a fire put it out?

Combustion requires heat, oxygen, and fuel. When sand is thrown on the fire it smothers the flames. (Removal of oxygen)

How could you separate a mixture of and sugar and sand?

Put them in water. Sugar dissolves, sand remains Filter the solution to separate sand and salt. Evaporate solution with dissolved salt to get salt back

Why do fire men use sand to put a fire out?

because it takes away the oxygen which fuels a fire.

Is it safe to put candles in a tray of sand?

It is safe since sand cannot catch on fire.

Why firefighters do not use sand to put out fires?

Because water is better to use to put out fires than sand.

Which physical property can you use to separate sand and sugar?

Use water. Mix it around, the sugar will dissolve into the water. Use a siv to separate the water and the sand, put the water in a container and wait for the water to evaporate: leaving sugar and sand.

How fast does water put out fire compared to sand?

Water would take longer because it is a liquid. Sand would put it out faster

How do you put out wildfire?

Sand, water or a fire extinguisher are all effective at putting out a wood fire.