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there is just more space no one has seen is before so no one knows what is beyond the galaxies.

hmm i think beyond the galaxies there are no spacetime so nothing exist but time doesn't ends so there is no end to space so there might be vacum beyond the galaxies.

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Q: What is beyond the galaxies?
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What can you find in other galaxies?

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All of them. The Solar System is part of the Milky Way Galaxy, one of several billion galaxies in the Universe.

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No. Galaxies are well beyond our solar system. Our solar system is just one tiny part of the Milky Way Galaxy.

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ummmm, galaxies can have galaxies in them unless they combine, also, we don't know, the universe is infinite and we have ye to see beyond our local galaxy cluster... sorry but that is an impossible question (although if the universe is infinite then nothing is quite impossible...)

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Why do scientist see the galaxies if they were millions and billions of years ago?

The galaxies beyond our own are millions to billions of light years away, meaning the light takes millions to billions of years to get here.

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Yes. Scientists haven't been able to explore other galaxies. I believe that there is life in other galaxies just like Earth. but how do they explore galaxies? i mean how do they know there are other galaxies? do they have any proof of lik=fe on other galaxies? ^^^^^^^

What is beyond the milky way?

More space, bubbles of emptiness, more galaxies, clusters of stars surrounding our galaxies like bees swarming a hive.... dust, gas, elements - tons of stuff AND a whole lot of nothing.

Do scientists know everything about space and space travel?

No, they don't. There is so many (beyond numbers) galaxies that it is impossible to know everything.