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Q: What is bhramputra river called in china?
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Ganga-Bhramputra river basin

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What is the river between Russia and China?

The river, which is dividing Russia and China is called Amur.

What River is called China?

One that flows through China

What is the river that flows from the plateau of Tibet across central and southern china to the east china sea?

That would be called the Chang Jiang River, which is also called the Yangzi River.

What is the river that flows from the plateau of Tibet across central and southern and southern China to the East China Sea?

That would be called the Chang Jiang River, which is also called the Yangzi River.

What is a name a landform in ancient china?

One river is called "yellow river"

Why is the river yellow called yellow?

The River is called The Yellow River because of the yellow silt that it carries throughout Northern China.

How is China's Yellow river called in Chinese?

The Huang He River 3,398 miles long.

What continent is the Yellow River located?

Asia,it is the 2'nd largest river in China!

Where is the chinsha river?

Chinsha River, usually called Jinsha River, the headwaters of Yangtze River, located in the southwest of China.

Which river is also known as China's Yellow River?

Huang He, and Huang Ho, are other names for China's yellow river.