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Freezing point is the temperature required to turn a liquid into a solid. Boiling point is the temperature required to turn a liquid into a gas. Almost everything has a freezing and boiling point.

If you mean water well

The freezing point is 0oC

The boiling point is 100oC

If you add a bit salt to the water to make saline then the freezing point is changed and lowered somewhere in the region of -10c (which is why we salt grit our roads in winter)

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Q: What is boiling and freezing point?
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What are the difference between freezing point and boiling point?

The freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a solid, while the boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid turns into a gas. The freezing point is typically lower than the boiling point for a substance.

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According to Fahrenheit scale, freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and boiling point is 212 °F

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The boiling point of water on the Celsius scale is 100 degrees, and the freezing point is 0 degrees.

What is the freezing point and boiling point in celcsious?

0 centigrade is freezing point of water. 100 c is the boiling point of water, by defination.

Give the freezing point and boiling point?

Of what?

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