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Q: What is bone marrow collected from a close relative called?
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What is the name for bone marrow from the close relative?


What is a kin used in the book called genji he took a kin with him?

A kin is a close relative who shares a bloodline with a person. So genji took a blood relative with him.

Where in the bone are bone cells produced?

close to the center in the marrow

What is a close relative?

a dungong

Can you get a residence permit if your relative is a resident?

Depends on country/state and how close the relative is.

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a whale

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Where is hemoglobin produced?

it is produced by interstitial fibroblasts in the kidney in close association with peritubular capillary and tubular epithelial cells

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leopard Seal is the close present day relative for the Canada Lynx.

What type of relative is considered a distant relative like second cousin etc?

Any realtive who is not closely related to you is a distant relative. Who si distant and who is close depends on how your family functions and what you think is distant ro close.

What is a close relative to the pine tree?

an apple tree

Who was the close relative of jawaharlal nehru?

Swarajmathi Nehru