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Q: What is booting process and what are the steps of it?
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Steps of booting a computer?

"what are the different steps during computer booting? "what are the different steps during computer booting? "what are the different steps during computer booting? "what are the different steps during computer booting? "what are the different steps during computer booting? "what are the different steps during computer booting?

Outline the steps of booting process for amicrocomputer indicate the siginficance of each step?

press the red button IT WORKS!

Summarize the booting process?

Booting is the act of switching on the computer and loading the operating system. This process is referred to as cold booting

Mention the septs In booting?

The 7 steps of booting process in a computer are: Power On BIOS POST (Power-On Self-Test) Bootloader Execution Operating System Loading Kernel Initialization System Initialization User Login.

What are the 10 main steps for booting?

yes idownload

Which process refers to starting up a computer?

its called a "boot-up"

What is dual-booting?

Dual-booting is the process of running more than one operating system on a computer.

What is the computer system start-up process called?

booting up POST, or Power On Self Test

What is booting in c plus plus?

Booting is the process of starting the computer from a power off condition. It has nothing to do with C++.

Explain the two methods that allow you to modify the boot process?

the three methods are Booting with GRUB Booting with LILO and last but not least is Booting with CD's i.e ISO images

What is the answer for the definition to start the computer?

The process of starting a computer - from switching on, to being 'user ready' - is known as 'booting' or 'booting up'.

What is the first step in the boot process?

The first step in the booting process is POST (power-on self-test).