

What is bossed flange?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: What is bossed flange?
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He is the oppisite of that!

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Slip-On Flat Face Flange. It means the face of the flange, the surface the physically touches the next flange is flat as opposed to raised (SORF Flange)

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it is a flange that's it

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Unfortunately, being bossed around by a woman is usually the problem in today's world. The military is full of bossy women ordering young men around who thought they were going to become real men. Unless being bossed around by bossy women is your thing: avoid the military.

How do you fit WNRF flange onto an RTJ flange?

Not. There's no way to connect a WNF to an RTJ flange.

What is a RFFE flange?

Raised face flange end

How do you get the center to center distance of a flange?

If it's wide flange, it's from center of web to web distance. Other structural members, it's center of flange to center of flange.

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Weld Neck Raised Face flange

If people were bossed around as children will they become serial killers?

not necessarily