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Q: What is boy wear everyday and girl wear once a year?
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Can you wear eye contacts for a year?

There are some lenses which you can wear for an year but the replacement scheduler is everyday basis, means that you have to remove them in the night. Lenses which you can wear for an year our bausch and lomb b4/u4.

Would a girl dump you if you watch cartoons everyday as a 21 year old university man?

Depends on the girl's personality. I'm a girl who watches anime everyday, and I wouldn't dump anyone for that.

What does a 10 year old girl wear in England?

Don't wear underwear.

What does a 12 year old girl wear to a party?

It depends on the girl!!😊

What does a normal 7 year old girl wear?

a fooler shirt

What should a 13 year old girl wear for Halloween?

Be a guy.

How can a 10 year old boy impress a ten year old girl?

But saying hi to her everyday...hugging her...being yourself

How can nine year old girl get a job?

They cant unless they sell stuff from their room everyday of there life

How long does a usual person ride their bike for?

In america, almost once a year. other countires everyday.

What is the thing used by a man everyday but the same thing is used by a woman only once a year?

a penis

What type of underwear should a 18 year old girl wear?


What is thing that boys wear 12 month but girl 1 time in year?
