

What is brutus state of mind?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What is brutus state of mind?
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We cannot know what Brutus tells the audience at that this point if you do not tell us what this point is.

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It foreshadows the coming events of Brutus meeting the ghost of Caesar at Philippi but the true meaning is Brutus's mind getting to him. Brutus soon commits suicide by Strato holding is sword and him running into it because he does not want to surrender to Antony.

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Cassius wants Brutus to join in a conspiracy to kill Julius Caesar. He tells Brutus stories of Caesar to poison his mind and make Brutus believe that Caesar wants to set himself up as a tyrant.

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Who was the noblest roman in the play Julius Caesar?

Brutus . I agree , Brutus' nobility lay in his patriotism and loyalty to Rome as a state guided by democratic principles .

Why shouldn't Brutus kill Caesar?

Well, it's already happened. There is no "shouldn't". It not a choice he'll have to make in the future, so... If you're asking "why should Brutus NOT HAVE killed Caesar", well, Brutus was Caesar's trusted friend and confidant who let himself be swayed by the hive mind.