

What is byte datatype?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What is byte datatype?
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in Unix: the datatype is "Date" in C++: the datatype is "char"

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in Unix: the datatype is "Date" in C++: the datatype is "char"

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Can you assign a char value to a variable of datatype of byte in java?

Not without casting. A char is a 16 bit type, whereas a byte is an 8 bit type. Therefore the compiler cannot guarantee that the 16 bit value will fit into the 8 bit value without overflowing. If you attempt to stick a char into a byte, you will get a compiler error. To override this, you can cast the char value to a byte during assignment. However, you might get some unexpected results. A few examples below: char a = 'A'; byte b = a; //compiler error char a = 'A'; byte b = (byte)a; //valid, no error. b=65 char a = 172; byte b = (byte)a; //valid, no error, but b=-84 because of overflow.

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While there are obvious data types like primitives (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double) and arrays, really any class which stores some form of information can be considered a data type. Objects like String, BigInteger, and the whole Collections framework also belong in this category.

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It is used to convert the value of one datatype into a value of another datatype. Example- Integer.parseInt(in.readLine); It converts given value to Integer datatype.

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Any datatype which the user creates in code, that isn't native to the language. A linked list can be an example of this