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Q: What is called ecological food?
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What are three ecological pyramids?

it when the food web and food chain

Why do ecologists use food chains and food webs?

Ecological Pyramids.

What are people called who only eat organic foods?

Someone who grows organic food is called an organic farmer or organic gardener. There is no name for someone who grows natural food. That term is not defined by the food industry and can mean just about anything.

What is an ecological pyramid?

An ecological pyramid is a diagram that shows the relative amounts of energy or matter contained within each trophic level in a food chain or food web.

What is the final product of Ecological Succession?

The final stage in the ecological succession is called The Climax Community.

What ecological roles do animals fulfill?

Animals fulfil their ecological roles in various ways. They are part of the food web and they will play their respective role as a predator or as prey in the food web.

What is the ecological development of a community called?

It's called succession

Why are food chain and food web necessary to ecosystem?

food chains and food webs are necessary as they maintain the ecological balance

What is the ecological nich for a deer?

The ecological niche for a deer is that it lives in a forest its a herbivore middle of the food chain and a prey to large carnivores

What is everything an organism does called?

Everything it does is called its function or its ecological niche

A mathematical formula designed to predict population fluctuations in a community could be called a?

Ecological model

Why eucalyptus is called ecological terrorist?

If you want to create a new "ecological issues" section under "Eucalyptus as plantation.