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Q: What is called for Flight of bees?
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What are the male bees called?

Male bees are called drones.

Male bees are called?

Male bees are called drones.

What is a father bee called?

Male bees are called Drones. The queen has one mating flight when she will join with many drones before returning to the hive and beginning to lay fertilised eggs. She only mates during that one flight in her life-time.

What type of technology was used to capture bees in flight?

A net?

What is the sound of bees called?

Bees buzz.

What is a pack of Honey Bees called?

A pack of Honey Bees is called a Swarm.

What is intraspecific interactions with bees?

Intraspecific interactions with bees is called beekeeping. Beekeepers are called apiarists and the box where the bees are kept are called apiaries or hives.

What is the name of the song that sound like a bunch of bees?

flight of the bumblebee

Are female drone bees actually called Lez-bees?

Actually, the 'worker-bees' are 'Lez-Bees'.

What are the bees that collect honey called?

Worker bees.

What is called to the home of honey bees?

In English, the home of honey bees is called the hive.