

What is called the Milky Way?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.

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13y ago
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We live in the Milky way galaxy.

What is the picture that makes up the milky way called?

it is the milky way stupid

What is the name of your milky way galaxy?

The answer is in the question - Our Galaxy is called the Milky Way

How many milky way's are their?

Are galaxy is called the milky way and there's only 1 ;)

What is the largest Milky Way galaxie?

There is only one galaxy called the Milky Way.

What does Milky Way galaxy mean?

It means the galaxy that is called "Milky Way". We are inside this galaxy.

What is the milky way that you observe with the naked eye?

That is simply called the Milky Way. It is the galaxy in which we live.

How do you use milky way in a sentence?

I like to eat a specific candy called, "milky way"