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Q: What is called the intellectual ketchup and in what cuisines of the world is it featured?
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Why do they call Ketchup?

The original chinese fish sauce was called ke-tsiap which eventually became tomato ketchup.

What is ketchup called in New Zealand?

Tomato Sauce....

What is the fear of ketchup called?

Mortuusequusphobia: abnormally afraid of ketchup. Etymology from Australian rhyming slang "dead horse" for red sauce, aka ketchup. Saltomaphobia - suggested as fear of salsa

When was ketchup made?

I don't know... XD :D

What was the name of the intellectual movement that began in France?

The intellectual movement that began in France is called existentialism.

In the 1830s what was ketchup used for?

I like this question it looks like you are as interested to learn about history as I am. As far as I know the term Ketchup means a sauce, a vinegary one. Two of the oldest ketchups in history is Mushroom ketchup and walnut ketchup. The British always called it " Tomato Ketchup" due to the base is tomatoes.

Why is ketchep called tomato ketchup?

Because the main ingredient is tomato.

When did ketchup first appear?

The term "ketchup," also called "catsup," began in early days as a general term for "sauce." The first actual ketchup recipe using tomatoes dates back to around 1801. Ketchup as we know it today has been around since the early part of the 20th century.

The dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance was called?

Humanism. It emphasized the potential of humans to achieve great things, valued individualism, and focused on the study of classical literature and art.

What is the soviet unions intellectual elite called?

the intelligentia

Is there a published magazine about tomato ketchup If so what is it called?

No, there isn't. What would the point of that be? xD