

What is capacitated?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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What is the prefix for capacitated

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Q: What is capacitated?
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What is the prefix for capacitated?

A prefix would be In- for incapacitated.

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Sperm cannot fertilize an egg until they have undergone the process of?

capacitation. Capacitation is a series of biochemical changes that sperm go through in the female reproductive tract. It involves removing certain coatings from the sperm head and increasing the sperm's ability to swim and penetrate the egg. Once capacitated, the sperm is able to fertilize the egg and initiate the process of conception.

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Disadvantage: An arch bridge requires a very stable foundation. The bridge diverts the tension exerted on it onto the foundations on either side of the bridge. Advantage: It is an economical way to traverse small distances and is able to cope with bending forces

How do mammal eggs get fertilized?

And you thought you knew all there was to know about fertilization… The enormous population growth and high incidence of infertility in humans demand a fuller appreciation of the mechanisms that govern fertilization. But although the principle cellular events of fertilization have been known for many years, we are frequently reminded how little we really understand of the underlying biochemical mechanisms. Looks can be deceiving. The remarkable transformation of round, diploid spermatogonia to highly polarized haploid spermatozoa occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. Further biochemical differentiation occurs as sperm travel through the epididymis. Although epididymal sperm appear morphologically mature, they are unable to fertilize an egg unless they undergo capacitation - a complex and poorly understood process that occurs in the female reproductive tract. Capacitation is initiated by bicarbonate and other uterine effectors that modulate sperm intracellular second messengers, notably cAMP. Elevated cAMP levels lead to changes in sperm motility and reorganization of membrane components, changes that are essential for sperm binding and penetration of the egg coat, as well as for subsequent fusion with the egg plasma membrane. Why so many sperm? Although the ejaculate contains millions of sperm, only one is needed to produce a viable offspring. In fact, more than one fertilizing sperm is lethal. In species such as marine invertebrates that deposit their gametes into open seawater, it seems reasonable that enormous numbers of sperm are necessary to counter the effects of dilution and fluid dynamics. Egg secretions serve as sperm chemoattractants to further increase the likelihood of fertilization. In internally fertilizing mammals, excess sperm are held in storage crypts within the female reproductive tract, enabling the timed release of additional aliquots of capacitated sperm, each of which has an independent opportunity to fertilize the egg. As in marine invertebrates, secretions from the ovulated mammalian egg may serve to attract sperm up the oviduct. So many barriers, so little time. Given the importance of fertilization to the continuation of the species, one would think that nature would make it easy for gametes to bind and fuse with one another. But once the sperm has finally reached the vicinity of the ovulated egg, it must overcome a variety of barriers that impede its access to the egg. First, the cumulus layer. Sperm initially confront the cumulus cells that nursed the egg during oogenesis and which remain adherent to the egg coat at ovulation. Sperm employ a variety of strategies, both enzymatic and mechanical, to clear a path through the cumulus cells. It is unclear, though, whether the pioneering sperm is the one to fertilize the egg, or a sacrificial sperm that clears a path for subsequent sperm. Then, the egg coat. After they trek across the cumulus layer, sperm encounter the zona pellucida, a thick extracellular coat that protects the egg. It is here that species-specific gamete binding occurs (Figure 1). This not only insures union of homologous gametes, but also serves as a point of speciation, as naturally occurring polymorphisms in the relevant receptors may result in new binding specificities that become segregated from the original parental species.Full-size image (60K)Figure 1. Mouse sperm labeled with two fluorescent dyes bound to the egg coat.View Within ArticleThe structure of the mammalian zona pellucida is relatively simple, being composed of only three glycoproteins. One of these, ZP3, has carbohydrate groups thought to provide binding sites for protein receptors on the sperm surface. The best-studied candidate receptor is β1,4-galactosyl-transferase, a carbohydrate-binding protein usually confined to intracellular membranes, but which also functions as a cell surface receptor on selected cell types. Such protein-carbohydrate complementarity appears to be a generalized mechanism to facilitate sperm-egg binding in a wide range of species. Things are never so simple. ZP3 carbohydrates were thought to be sufficient to account for species-specific sperm-egg binding, but recent studies cast doubt on whether they are the primary site of sperm binding. Sperm with reduced ability to bind ZP3 still adhere to the egg coat, despite their poor ability to penetrate the coat. Similarly, mouse sperm still bind and fertilize eggs in which murine ZP3 has been replaced with human ZP3. These and other studies indicate that sperm-egg binding likely involves a multiplicity of interacting receptors. Some have recently been identified, such as SED1, a multidomain sperm protein that mediates binding to the egg coat, and a novel component of the egg coat that facilitates sperm adhesion. This reliance upon multiple cell adhesion mechanisms is reminiscent of lymphocyte binding to the vascular endothelium. Cells that exist in body fluids and are subject to high shear forces, such as lymphocytes and gametes, may require the concerted action of low-affinity and high-affinity receptor-ligand interactions to ensure successful binding. Still not there. Although we do not yet appreciate the full repertoire of receptors that mediate sperm binding to the egg coat, such binding leads to activation of sperm heterotrimeric G-proteins and selective ion channels that trigger exocytosis of the acrosome. Hydrolytic enzymes released from the acrosome vesicle digest a path through the egg coat; however, the precise acrosomal enzymes responsible for sperm penetration remain obscure. Finally, the egg membrane. After traversing through the cumulus layer and the zona pellucida, the pioneering sperm finds itself facing the egg plasma membrane - the last barrier to fertilization. A novel class of cell adhesion molecules, the ADAMs, some of which are localized on sperm, were initially thought to bind integrin receptors on the egg membrane, thus facilitating membrane binding and fusion. But as before, nothing is as straightforward as it initially appeared, and the contribution of sperm ADAMS and their egg integrin receptors is still actively debated. Recent evidence has implicated a role for tetraspanin and GPI-linked proteins of the egg membrane, as well as a cysteine-rich secretory protein on sperm, as mediators of gamete fusion. Only one sperm please. One responsibility of the fertilizing sperm is to prevent entry of additional sperm, which would be lethal to the new zygote. This block to polyspermy is achieved by changes in the egg membrane that prevent entry of additional sperm, and by enzymatic modifications to the zona pellucida by exudates of egg cortical vesicles that are released following fertilization. Ultimately, the fertilizing sperm activates development via receptor mediated signal transduction cascades and/or by introduction of critical sperm effectors that initiate metabolic activation.And you thought you knew all there was to know about fertilization… The enormous population growth and high incidence of infertility in humans demand a fuller appreciation of the mechanisms that govern fertilization. But although the principle cellular events of fertilization have been known for many years, we are frequently reminded how little we really understand of the underlying biochemical mechanisms. Looks can be deceiving. The remarkable transformation of round, diploid spermatogonia to highly polarized haploid spermatozoa occurs in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. Further biochemical differentiation occurs as sperm travel through the epididymis. Although epididymal sperm appear morphologically mature, they are unable to fertilize an egg unless they undergo capacitation - a complex and poorly understood process that occurs in the female reproductive tract. Capacitation is initiated by bicarbonate and other uterine effectors that modulate sperm intracellular second messengers, notably cAMP. Elevated cAMP levels lead to changes in sperm motility and reorganization of membrane components, changes that are essential for sperm binding and penetration of the egg coat, as well as for subsequent fusion with the egg plasma membrane. Why so many sperm? Although the ejaculate contains millions of sperm, only one is needed to produce a viable offspring. In fact, more than one fertilizing sperm is lethal. In species such as marine invertebrates that deposit their gametes into open seawater, it seems reasonable that enormous numbers of sperm are necessary to counter the effects of dilution and fluid dynamics. Egg secretions serve as sperm chemoattractants to further increase the likelihood of fertilization. In internally fertilizing mammals, excess sperm are held in storage crypts within the female reproductive tract, enabling the timed release of additional aliquots of capacitated sperm, each of which has an independent opportunity to fertilize the egg. As in marine invertebrates, secretions from the ovulated mammalian egg may serve to attract sperm up the oviduct. So many barriers, so little time. Given the importance of fertilization to the continuation of the species, one would think that nature would make it easy for gametes to bind and fuse with one another. But once the sperm has finally reached the vicinity of the ovulated egg, it must overcome a variety of barriers that impede its access to the egg. First, the cumulus layer. Sperm initially confront the cumulus cells that nursed the egg during oogenesis and which remain adherent to the egg coat at ovulation. Sperm employ a variety of strategies, both enzymatic and mechanical, to clear a path through the cumulus cells. It is unclear, though, whether the pioneering sperm is the one to fertilize the egg, or a sacrificial sperm that clears a path for subsequent sperm. Then, the egg coat. After they trek across the cumulus layer, sperm encounter the zona pellucida, a thick extracellular coat that protects the egg. It is here that species-specific gamete binding occurs (Figure 1). This not only insures union of homologous gametes, but also serves as a point of speciation, as naturally occurring polymorphisms in the relevant receptors may result in new binding specificities that become segregated from the original parental species.Full-size image (60K)Figure 1. Mouse sperm labeled with two fluorescent dyes bound to the egg coat.View Within ArticleThe structure of the mammalian zona pellucida is relatively simple, being composed of only three glycoproteins. One of these, ZP3, has carbohydrate groups thought to provide binding sites for protein receptors on the sperm surface. The best-studied candidate receptor is β1,4-galactosyl-transferase, a carbohydrate-binding protein usually confined to intracellular membranes, but which also functions as a cell surface receptor on selected cell types. Such protein-carbohydrate complementarity appears to be a generalized mechanism to facilitate sperm-egg binding in a wide range of species. Things are never so simple. ZP3 carbohydrates were thought to be sufficient to account for species-specific sperm-egg binding, but recent studies cast doubt on whether they are the primary site of sperm binding. Sperm with reduced ability to bind ZP3 still adhere to the egg coat, despite their poor ability to penetrate the coat. Similarly, mouse sperm still bind and fertilize eggs in which murine ZP3 has been replaced with human ZP3. These and other studies indicate that sperm-egg binding likely involves a multiplicity of interacting receptors. Some have recently been identified, such as SED1, a multidomain sperm protein that mediates binding to the egg coat, and a novel component of the egg coat that facilitates sperm adhesion. This reliance upon multiple cell adhesion mechanisms is reminiscent of lymphocyte binding to the vascular endothelium. Cells that exist in body fluids and are subject to high shear forces, such as lymphocytes and gametes, may require the concerted action of low-affinity and high-affinity receptor-ligand interactions to ensure successful binding. Still not there. Although we do not yet appreciate the full repertoire of receptors that mediate sperm binding to the egg coat, such binding leads to activation of sperm heterotrimeric G-proteins and selective ion channels that trigger exocytosis of the acrosome. Hydrolytic enzymes released from the acrosome vesicle digest a path through the egg coat; however, the precise acrosomal enzymes responsible for sperm penetration remain obscure. Finally, the egg membrane. After traversing through the cumulus layer and the zona pellucida, the pioneering sperm finds itself facing the egg plasma membrane - the last barrier to fertilization. A novel class of cell adhesion molecules, the ADAMs, some of which are localized on sperm, were initially thought to bind integrin receptors on the egg membrane, thus facilitating membrane binding and fusion. But as before, nothing is as straightforward as it initially appeared, and the contribution of sperm ADAMS and their egg integrin receptors is still actively debated. Recent evidence has implicated a role for tetraspanin and GPI-linked proteins of the egg membrane, as well as a cysteine-rich secretory protein on sperm, as mediators of gamete fusion. Only one sperm please. One responsibility of the fertilizing sperm is to prevent entry of additional sperm, which would be lethal to the new zygote. This block to polyspermy is achieved by changes in the egg membrane that prevent entry of additional sperm, and by enzymatic modifications to the zona pellucida by exudates of egg cortical vesicles that are released following fertilization. Ultimately, the fertilizing sperm activates development via receptor mediated signal transduction cascades and/or by introduction of critical sperm effectors that initiate metabolic activation.

Politics and kidnapping in Nigerian politics are birds of the same feather how it is it true?

UNIVERSITY OF ABUJACENTRE FOR DISTANCE LEARNING AND CONTINUING EDUCATIONNAME: SILAS SUCCESS DANIELDEPARTMENT: ECONOMICSLEVEL: 100COURSE: GST 101 (USE OF ENGLISH)ASSIGNMENT: POLITICS AND KIDNAPPING IN NIGERIA ARE BIRDS OF SAME FEATHERS, HOW FAR IS THIS TRUE?CONTENTØ 1 . INTRODUCTIONØ 2. POLITICS DEFINEDØ 3. NIGERIAN POLITICS(A) HOW IT OUGHT TO BE?(B) HOW IT IS PRESENTLYØ 4. KIDNAPPING IN NIGERIAØ 5. CONCLUSION/SUMMARY1. INTRODUCTIONThe situation of the Nigerian people calls for emergence of lot of question. The poverty state of the people, the non-improving or stagnant economy, the low standard of living e.t.c., brings about or poses a lot of question on the leadership i.e. the political organization of the country. But we will be considering "politics and kidnapping in Nigeria are birds of same feathers, how far is this true?2. POLITICS DEFINEDPolitics is a process by which a group of people make collective decision.Aristotle and Plato defined politics as a concern as a general issues affecting the community. This involves the pursuit of public interest , the operation, of the state, and the formulation and execution of public policy. Contrasting public concern with private matters, they viewed the public concern as morally superior. Thus, political leaders have the responsibility to conform to constructive ideas and action with "perfect goodness" (Andrian 1975).In addition, it is the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government. It involves competition between various interest groups (parties) or individuals for power and leadership in a government or other group.3. NIGERIAN POLITICS(A) HOW IT OUGHT TO BEThe politics in Nigeria was supposed to posses the following qualities for growth and development of the country.(i) Politics of virtue: This is doing what is right, thus, the ad herence of a leader to do what is right no matter the cost will about development and growth in a country and improve it economy.(ii) Knowledge of political ideology: The knowledge of political ideology by our leaders, that is what politics really is and virtues a politician must posses will lead to good leadership and governance. Thus it is compulsory for leaders to acquire political ideology if growth, development and positive change is valued in any country.(iii) Political responsibilities:politicians are to be held repoonsible for any policy failure in the society, that is they should be held responsible for their actions and inactions for Nigeria to grow.(iv) Good accountability of vote: Nigeria was supposed to be an educated and politically matured society in which vote is the ultimate weapon of the people, where there will be no ringing of election.(v) The public opinion: Nigeria ought to be a country that count the opinion of the majority or public i.e. when majority of its population refuse to accept certain policies as binding, it will move committed leaders to make change in various part of the system. This is a democratic process Nigeria should strive to adopt.(vi) Honesty and patriotic securities, criminal investigators and legal practitioners: there ought to be hardworking personnel full of integrity who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the country's good underminding the pressure posed by the personnel who are the defaulters.(vii) Respect for rule of law: There ought to be great respect for rule of law i.e. no one is above the law.(viii) Politician respect and care for member of the society: The political leaders are to serve the public not themselves and to hold members of the public (masses) in high esteem because the public elect them. They are to look for or device programmes that will eradicate poverty, they are to fight against injustice in the society, provision of infrastructural facilities, and so on.(B) HOW IT IS PRESENTLYA number of factors contribute to the negative stigma of the Nigerian politics, some of which are as follows;(i) Election ringing: In an educated and politically matured society the vote is the ultimate weapon of the people. This is when people chose who they want to lead them. But today reverse is the case in Nigeria, there is ringing of election, no such thing as free and fair election, before you know INEC would announce a person who is not the choice of the majority as winner of an election due to political influence or pressure on them. "If the foundation of a country be destroyed, what can the people do", we need to address this issue from the root.(ii) Lack of Political Virtue: Instead of doing what is right, the Nigerian politics is a clear example which has gain international recognition as a wrong example of politics.(iii) Ignorance of Political Ideology: Our politicians today don't know what politics really is, they lack political virtues and ideology. How would they lead well if they don't know what politics really means as explained by Aristotle and Plato.(iv) Political and Social Irresponsibility:No politician is held responsible for any policy failure in the society, for example they give out public funds for execution of project such creation of good roads and other infrastructures without monitoring or appointing relevant bodies to monitor the project.(v) Lack of Respect for Rule of Law: Many a Nigerian politician see himself see himself as being as being above the law, they don't respect the law, Some has the notion that the law is meant for the poor. For example , the inability of Nigerians to know the state of our President Umar Musa Yaradua's health who is public property is an example of disrespect for rule of law, which stipulate that the people have the right to know the status of the health of their President or ruler, thus if He is capacitated or incapacitated to rule Nigeria. A recent is that of Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (Senator Yerima), who went ahead to marrying an underage(a 13year old girl) which is a clear child abuse case and our legal practitioners are being lackadaisical about it. These are proof of disrespect for rule of law.(vi) Selfish Interest: Our politicians are greedy and selfish who doesn't care about the well being of the people, they extract funds meant for development of the people and infrastructural facilities such as good roads, water, schools, electricity, etc. which lead to negative attitude of the youth of which instead of building themselves by acquisition of educational knowledge and skills rather involve themselves in cultism, Kidnapping, stealing, terrorism etc.. Products of this negative attitude are are the Niger-Delta militant groups who went about Kidnapping foreign workers and highly placed individuals in exchange for money ransoms.(vii) Lack of Care for Members of the society:Political leaders instead of serving the public see themselves as being superior and make the masses feel inferior. They involve themselves in all forms of injustice with their position.(viii) Lack of Honesty, Diligent and Patriotic Security, Criminal Investigators and Legal Practitioners:Our security, criminal investigators and legal practitioners have easily succumb to pressure from politician and defaulters which ought not to be.4. KIDNAPPING IN NIGERIAKidnapping is the forceful abduction of an individual by a person or group of people.In Nigeria today kidnapping has become a business being carried out by the youth. They out of lack of respect for rule of law, social responsibility, patriotism and diligences rather chose to go against the law. Example of this counter culture are the Niger-Delta militant groups and the uprising Northern militant groups who have plainly set their mind to carry out Kidnapping as their occupation.This is not the way things ought to be in our dear nations but it's due to the present status of politics in Nigeria that brings about the emergence of these groups.5 CONCLUSION|SUMMARYOur politicians kidnap our economy and cause chaos to erupt in the nation, there is instability in almost all sector as a result of politics in Nigeria likewise the Niger-Delta militant and the uprising Northern militant group kidnap highly placed individuals in exchange for money ransoms all of all of which has no respect for rule of law and clear manifestation of selfish interest, lack of diligency and patriotism, lack of care for the society and social responsibility.The aforementioned are explicit proof that "Politics and Kidnapping in Nigeria are birds of Same Feathers"Success say so…

What are the suffixes for ed?

allured alphabeted alphabetized altercated altered alternated aluminized amalgamated amassed amazed ambitioned ambled ambulated ambuscaded ambushed ameliorated amended amerced ammoniated ammonified amnestied amortised amortized amounted amplified amputated amused anagrammatized anagrammed analogized analysed analyzed anastomosed anathematized anatomised anatomized ancestored anchored aneared aneled anesthetized angeled angered angled anglicised anglicized anguished angulated animadverted animalized animated aniseed ankled ankylosed annealed annexed annihilated annotated announced annoyed annualized annulled annunciated anodized anointed ansated answered antagonized anteceded anted antedated anteed anteverted anthemed anthologized anthropomorphized anticipated anticked antidoted antiquated antiqued antired antiweed antlered anviled anvilled aped aphorised aphorized apologised apologized apostatised apostatized apostrophised apostrophized apotheosized appalled appareled apparelled appealed appeared appeased appended apperceived appertained applauded applied appliqued appointed apportioned apposed appraised appreciated apprehended apprenticed appressed apprised apprized approached approbated appropriated approved approximated aproned aquaplaned aquatinted arabicized arabized arbitraged arbitrated arbored arborized arboured arcaded arced archaised archaized arched archived arcked arcuated argled argued argufied ariled armatured armed armored armoured arointed aromatized aroused aroynted arpeggiated arraigned arranged arrased arrayed arrested arrived arrogated arrowed articled articulated ascended ascertained ascribed ashamed ashed ashlared ashlered asked asperated aspersed asphalted asphyxiated aspirated aspired assagaied assailed assassinated assaulted assayed assed assegaied assembled assented asserted assessed asseverated assigned assimilated assisted associated assoiled assorted assuaged assumed assured asswaged asteriated asterisked astonied astonished astounded astricted astringed atmosphered atomised atomized atoned atrophied attached attacked attained attainted attempered attempted attended attenuated attested attired attitudinised attitudinized attorned attracted attributed attrited attuned auctioned audited auditioned augmented augured aurated aureoled auricled auscultated ausformed authenticated authored authorised authorized autoclaved autoed autografted autographed autolysed autolyzed automated automatized automobiled autopsied autorotated autosuggested autotomized availed avalanched avenged averaged averred averted avianized aviated avoided avouched avowed avulsed awaited awaked awakened awarded awed awned awninged axed axiomatized axised axled axseed azoted azotised azotized baaed babbitted babbled babied baccated bached backcrossed backdated backdropped backed backfilled backfired backfitted backgrounded backhanded backhauled backlashed backlighted backlisted backlogged backpacked backpedaled backpedalled backscattered backslapped backspaced backstabbed backstitched backstopped backtracked backwashed bacterized badassed badged badgered badinaged badmouthed baffed baffled bagged bailed baited baked bakshished balanced balconied balded baldheaded baled balkanized balked ballasted balled ballooned balloted ballyhooed ballyragged balsamed balustraded bamboozled bammed banalized bandaged banded bandied baned banged banished banistered banjaxed banked bankrolled bankrupted banned bannered banqueted bantered baptised baptized barbarized barbecued barbed barbequed barbered barded barebacked bared barefaced barefooted barehanded bareheaded barfed bargained barged barhopped barked barnacled barnstormed barracked barraged barred barreled barrelled barricaded barricadoed bartended bartered based bashed basified basined basked basseted bassetted bastardised bastardized basted bastinadoed bastioned batched bated batfowled bathed batted battened battered battled battlemented baulked bawled bayed bayoneted bayonetted beachcombed beached beaconed beaded beaked beamed beaned bearded beatified beautified beavered beblooded becalmed becapped becarpeted bechalked bechanced becharmed becked beckoned beclamored beclasped becloaked beclogged beclothed beclouded beclowned becowarded becrawled becrimed becrowded becrusted becudgeled becudgelled becursed bed bedabbled bedamned bedarkened bedaubed bedazzled bedded bedeafened bedecked bedeviled bedevilled bedewed bediapered bedighted bedimmed bedimpled bedirtied bedizened bedotted bedraggled bedraped bedrenched bedriveled bedrivelled bedroomed bedrugged bedumbed bedunced bedwarfed beefed beelined beeped beetled befingered befitted beflagged befleaed beflecked beflowered befogged befooled befouled befretted befriended befringed befuddled begalled begazed beggared beggarweed begged begirded begirdled begladded beglamored beglamoured begloomed begrimed begrimmed begroaned begrudged beguiled begulfed behaved beheaded behooved behoved behowled bejeweled bejewelled bejumbled bekissed beknighted beknotted belabored belaboured belaced beladied belated belauded belayed belched beleaguered beleaped belfried belied believed beliquored belittled belled bellied bellowed bellyached belonged beloved belted bemadamed bemaddened bemeaned bemedaled bemedalled bemingled bemired bemisted bemixed bemoaned bemocked bemuddled bemurmured bemused bemuzzled benamed benched bendayed bended beneficed beneficiated benefited benefitted benempted benighted benumbed bepainted bepimpled bequeathed beraked berascaled berated bereaved berhymed beribboned berimed beringed berobed berouged berried berthed bescorched bescoured bescreened beseeched beseemed beshadowed beshamed beshivered beshouted beshrewed beshrouded besieged beslaved beslimed besmeared besmiled besmirched besmoked besmoothed besmudged besmutted besnowed besoothed besotted bespattered bespectacled bespoused besprinkled besteaded bested bestialized bestirred bestowed bestrewed bestrowed bestudded beswarmed betattered betaxed bethanked bethorned bethumped betided betokened betrayed betrothed betted bettered beuncled beveled bevelled bevomited bewailed bewared bewearied bewhiskered bewigged bewildered bewinged bewitched bewormed beworried bewrapped bewrayed biased biassed bibbed bichromated bickered bicolored bicycled bided bielded biffed biforked biformed bifurcated bigheaded bighearted bighted bigmouthed bigoted biked bikinied bilged bilked billboarded billed billeted billowed bilobed bilsted bindweed binged binned binucleated bioassayed biodegraded bioengineered biopsied biparted biped bipolarized birched birdbrained birded birdied birdlimed birdseed birled birred birthed bisected bishoped bistered bistred bitched bitted bittered bitterweed bituminized bivalved bivouacked blabbed blabbered blackballed blackbirded blacked blackened blackguarded blackjacked blacklisted blackmailed blacktopped bladed blamed blanched blandished blanked blanketed blared blarneyed blasphemed blasted blathered blatted blattered blawed blazed blazoned bleached bleared bleated bled bleed bleeped blemished blenched blended blessed blethered blighted blinded blindfolded blindsided blinked blinkered blipped blissed blistered blithered blitzed bloated blobbed blockaded blocked blooded bloodied bloodred bloodshed bloodstained bloomed blooped blossomed blotched blotted bloused bloviated blowed blowsed blowzed blubbed blubbered bludgeoned blued blueprinted blueshifted blueweed bluffed blumed blundered blunged blunted blurbed blurred blurted blushed blustered boarded boasted boated bobbed bobbled bobsled bobsledded bobtailed boded bodied bodychecked bodysurfed boffed bogeyed bogged boggled boiled boldfaced bolled bollixed bolloxed bolshevized bolstered bolted bombarded bombed bombinated bonded boned boneheaded bonged bonked bonneted boobed boodled booed boogeyed boogied boohooed booked bookmarked boomed boomeranged boondoggled boosted booted bootlegged bootlicked bootstrapped boozed bopped borated bordered bored borrowed bosomed bossed botanised botanized botched bothered bottled bottlenecked bottomed boughed bouldered bounced bounded bountied bourgeoisified bourgeoned boused bowdlerised bowdlerized bowed boweled bowelled bowered bowled bowlegged bowsed bowwowed boxed boxhauled boycotted brabbled braced brachiated bracketed bracted bradded bragged braided brailed brailled brained brainstormed brainwashed braised braked brambled branched branded brandied brandished branned brassed bratticed brattled braved bravoed brawled brayed brazed brazened breached breadboarded breaded breakfasted breamed breasted breathed brecciated bred breeched breed breezed breveted brevetted brewed bribed bricked bridged bridled briefed brigaded brightened brimmed brinded brindled brined briquetted brisked bristled brittled broached broadcasted broadened broadsided brocaded broidered broiled brokenhearted brokered bromated brominated bromized bronzed brooded brooked broomed brothered browed browned brownnosed browsed bruised bruited brunched brushed brutalised brutalized bruted brutified bubbled bubbleheaded buboed buccaneered bucked bucketed buckled bucklered buckramed buckskinned bucktoothed budded buddied budged budgeted buffaloed buffed buffered buffeted bugged buggered bugled bugleweed bugseed builded bulbed bulged bulked bulldogged bulldozed bulled bulleted bulletined bullheaded bullied bullnecked bullshitted bullweed bullwhipped bullyragged bulwarked bumbled bummed bumped bumpered bunched buncoed bundled bunged bungled bunked bunkered bunkoed bunted buoyed burbled burdened bureaucratised bureaucratized burgeoned burglarized burgled buried burked burled burlesqued burned burnished burnoosed burped burred burrowed burseed bursted burthened burweed bused bushed busheled bushelled bushwhacked busied busked buskined bussed busted bustled butchered butled butted buttered butterfingered butterflied butterweed buttoned buttonholed buttonhooked buttressed butylated buzzed bylined bypassed byrled caballed cabbaged cabbed cabined cabled caboched caboshed cached cacheted cachinnated cackled caddied cadenced cadged caffeinated caged cairned cajoled caked cakewalked calamined calcified calcimined calcined calculated calendared calendered calibrated calibred calipered calked called callipered calloused callused calmed calorized calqued calumniated calved camailed cambered cameoed camouflaged campaigned camped camphorated campused canaled canalised canalized canalled canceled cancelled candied candled candlelighted caned cankered canned cannibalised cannibalized cannonaded cannonballed cannoned canoed canonised canonized canoodled canopied canted cantered cantilevered cantillated cantoned canulated canvased canvassed capacitated caparisoned caped capered capitalised capitalized capitulated caponized capped caprioled capsized capsulated capsuled capsulized captained captioned captivated captured capuched caracoled caracolled caramelised caramelized caravaned caravanned carbonadoed carbonated carbonized carboxylated carboyed carbuncled carbureted carburetted carburised carburized carded cared careened careered caressed caricatured caried carillonned carinated carked carnified caroled carolled caromed caroused carped carpentered carpeted carpetweed carpooled carried carromed carrottopped carted cartelised cartelized cartoned cartooned cartwheeled carved cascaded caseated cased casefied cashed cashiered casked casketed casqued castellated castigated castled castrated catabolized cataloged catalogued catalyzed catapulted catcalled catechized categorised categorized catenated catercornered catered caterwauled cathected catheterized catholicized catnapped catted caucused caucussed caudated caulked caused causewayed cauterized cautioned cavaliered caveated caved caverned caviled cavilled cavitated cavitied cavorted cawed cayenned ceased ceded ceiled ceilinged celebrated cellared celled cemented censed censored censured censused centered centralised centralized centred centrifuged centupled cerated cerebrated cered certificated certified cessed chafed chaffed chaffered chagrined chagrinned chained chainsawed chaired chairmaned chairmanned chaliced chalked challenged chambered chamfered chammied chamoised champed championed chanced chandeliered chandelled changed channeled channelized channelled chanted chaperoned chapleted chapped chaptered charactered characterized charbroiled charcoaled chared charged charioted charked charmed charred charted chartered chased chasmed chassed chastened chastised chatted chattered chauffeured chaunted chawed cheapened cheated checked checkered checkmarked checkmated checkrowed cheeked cheeped cheered cheerled cheesed cheffed chelated cheliped chemisorbed chequered cherished chested chevied chewed chicaned chickened chickenhearted chickweed chided childbed childproofed chilled chimed chined chinked chinned chipped chippered chirked chirmed chirped chirred chirruped chiseled chiselled chitchatted chittered chivareed chivaried chivied chivvied chloralosed chlorinated chloroformed chocked choired choked cholecystectomized chomped chopped choppered chorded chored choreographed chortled chorused chorussed choused chowdered chowderheaded chowed chowsed christened chromatographed chromed chromized chromolithographed chronicled chucked chuckled chuckleheaded chuffed chugalugged chugged chummed chumped chunked chuntered churched churned churred chuted cicatrized ciliated cinched cinctured cindered cinematized ciphered circled circuited circularised circularized circulated circumambulated circumcised circumfused circumnavigated circumscribed circumstanced circumstantiated circumvallated circumvented cirriped cited citied citified citrated cityfied civilianized civilised civilized clabbered clacked clagged claimed clambered clammed clamored clamoured clamped clanged clangored clangoured clanked clapboarded clapped clapperclawed clarified clarioned clashed clasped classed classicized classified clattered claughted clavered clawed clayed cleaned cleanhanded cleansed cleared clearheaded cleated cleaved cleeked clefted clenched cleped clerked clewed cliched clicked climaxed climbed clinched clinged clinked clinkered clipped cliqued cloaked clobbered clocked clogged cloistered clomped cloned clonked clopped closed closefisted closemouthed closeted closured clothed clotheslined clotted clotured clouded cloured clouted clowned cloyed clubbed clubfooted clubhauled clucked clued clumped clunked clustered clutched cluttered coached coacted coadapted coadmired coadmitted coagulated coaled coalesced coalified coalshed coanchored coannexed coappeared coapted coarsened coassisted coassumed coasted coated coattended coattested coauthored coaxed cobbled cobblestoned cobwebbed cocainized cocaptained cochaired cockaded cockbilled cocked cockered cockeyed cockled cockneyfied cocktailed cocooned cocounseled cocounselled cocreated cocultivated cocultured codded coddled coded coderived codesigned codeveloped codified codirected codiscovered coed coedited coembodied coemployed coempted coenacted coenamored coendured coequated coerced coerected coevolved coexerted coexisted coextended cofeatured coffered coffined coffled cofinanced cofounded cogged cogitated cognised cognized cohabited coheaded cohered cohobated cohosted cohostessed coifed coiffed coiffured coigned coiled coincided coined coinferred coinhered coinsured cointerred coinvented cojoined coked coldblooded coldcocked coldhearted coled coleseed collaborated collaged collapsed collared collated collateralized collected collectivised collectivized colleted collided collied colligated collimated collocated collogued colluded colocated cologned colonialized colonised colonized colonnaded colorbred colored colorized coloured columned comanaged combated combatted combed combined combusted comforted comingled commanded commandeered commemorated commenced commended commentated commented commerced commercialised commercialized commingled comminuted commiserated commissioned committed commixed commodified commoved communalized communed communicated communised communized commutated commuted compacted companied companioned compared comparted compartmentalised compartmentalized compartmented compassed compassionated comped compeered compelled compensated compered competed compiled complained complected complemented completed complexed complexified complexioned complicated complied complimented complotted comported composed composited composted compounded comprehended compressed comprised comprized compromised compted computed computerised computerized concatenated concaved concealed conceded conceited conceived concelebrated concentered concentrated conceptualised conceptualized concerned concerted concertized conciliated concluded concocted concreted concretized concurred concussed condemned condensed condescended conditioned condoled condoned conduced conducted coned confabbed confabulated confected confederated conferred confessed confided configured confined confirmed confiscated conflated conflicted conformed confounded confronted confused confuted congaed congealed congeed congested conglobated conglobed conglomerated conglutinated congratulated congregated congressed conjectured conjoined conjugated conjured conked connected conned connived connoted conquered conscribed conscripted consecrated consented conservatized conserved considered consigned consisted consociated consoled consolidated consorted conspired constellated consternated constipated constituted constitutionalized constrained constricted constringed constructed construed consulted consumed consummated contacted contained containerised containerized contaminated contemned contemplated contemporized contended contented contested contextualized continued contorted contoured contracted contradicted contradistinguished contraindicated contrasted contravened contributed contrived controlled controverted contused convalesced convected convened convented conventionalized converged conversed converted conveyed conveyorised conveyorized convicted convinced convoked convoluted convolved convoyed convulsed cooed cooeed cooeyed cooked cooled coolheaded cooped cooperated coopered coopted coordinated copartnered coped copied coplotted copolymerized copped coppered coppiced copresented coproduced copublished copulated copurified copycatted copyedited copyrighted coquetted corbeled corbelled corded cordelled cordoned corduroyed cored coredeemed corelated corked corkscrewed corned cornered cornfed corniced cornrowed cornuted coronated corotated corraded corralled corrected correlated corresponded corroborated corroded corrugated corrupted corseted coruscated corymbed coscripted coshed coshered cosied cosigned cosmeticized cosponsored cosseted costarred costed costumed coted cotransduced cotransferred cotransported cottered cottoned cottonseed cottonweed couched coughed counseled counselled counted countenanced counteracted counterargued counterattacked counterbalanced counterblockaded counterchanged countercharged counterchecked counterclaimed counterdemonstrated countered counterfeited counterfired counterinfluenced countermanded countermarched countermined countermoved counterordered counterpetitioned counterpicketed counterplotted counterpointed counterpoised counterposed counterpunched counterquestioned counterraided counterrallied countersigned counterstained counterstated counterstepped countersued countervailed counterweighted countrified countryfied couped coupled coursed courted courtesied coved covenanted coveralled covered coveted cowed cowered cowhided cowled cowshed coxed coxswained coyed cozened cozied craaled crabbed crackbrained cracked crackled cradled crafted cragged crammed cramped cranched craned cranked crankled crannied craped crapped crashed crated cratered craunched craved cravened crawfished crawled crayoned crazed crazyweed creaked creamed creased created credentialed credentialled credited creed creeled creeshed cremated crenated crenelated creneled crenellated crenelled crenulated creolised creolized creosoted creped crepitated crescendoed crested crevassed creviced crewed cribbed cribbled cricked cricketed cried criminalized criminated crimped crimpled crimsoned cringed crinkled crinolined crippled crisped crispened crisscrossed criticised criticized critiqued croaked crocheted crocked crocketed crookbacked crooked crooned cropped croqueted crossbanded crossbarred crossbred crossbreed crosschecked crossed crosshatched crossruffed crotched crouched crowbarred crowded crowed crowned crowstepped crucified crudded cruised crumbed crumbled crumped crumpled crunched crusaded crushed crusted crutched cryopreserved crystalized crystallised crystallized cubed cuckolded cuckooed cuddled cudgeled cudgelled cudweed cued cuffed cuirassed cuittled culled cullied culmed culminated cultivated cultured cumbered cumulated cuneated cupeled cupelled cupolaed cupped curarized curated curbed curded curdled cured curetted curled curlicued curred curried currycombed cursed curtailed curtained curtseyed curtsied curveballed curved curveted curvetted cushioned cuspated cusped cussed customised customized cutinised cutinized cuttled cyanided cyanoethylated cyanosed cybernated cycled cyclized cyclostyled cylindered cyphered dabbed dabbled dackered daddled dadoed daffed daggered daggled daguerreotyped daikered daisied dallied damaged damascened damasked dammed damned damnified damped dampened danced dandered dandified dandled daneweed danged dangered dangled dapped dappled dared darked darkened darkled darned darted dartled dashed dated datelined daubed daundered daunted dauted davened dawdled dawed dawned dawted daybed daydreamed daylighted dazed dazzled deacidified deaconed deactivated deadened deadheaded deadlifted deadlocked deadpanned deaerated deafened deaired dealated deaminated deaned deashed deathbed deaved debarked debarred debased debated debauched debeaked debilitated debited deboned debouched debrided debriefed debruised debugged debunked debuted decaffeinated decalcified decamped decanted decapitated decarbonated decarbonized decarboxylated decarburized decayed deceased deceived decelerated decentered decentralized decentred decerebrated decerned decertified dechlorinated decided decimalized decimated deciphered decisioned decked declaimed declared declassed declassified declawed declined decocted decoded decollated decolonized decolored decolorized decoloured decommissioned decompensated decomposed decompressed deconcentrated deconditioned decongested deconsecrated deconstructed decontaminated decontrolled decorated decorticated decoupaged decoupled decoyed decreased decreed decremented decrepitated decried decriminalized decrowned decrypted decupled decurved decussated dedicated dedifferentiated deduced deducted deed deeded deemed deemphasized deepened deerweed deescalated defaced defalcated defamed defanged defatted defaulted defeated defecated defected defeminized defended defenestrated defensed deferred defibrillated defibrinated defied defiladed defiled defined definitized deflagrated deflated defleaed deflected deflexed deflowered defoamed defocused defocussed defogged defoliated deforced deforested deformalized deformed defrauded defrayed defrocked defrosted defunded defused defuzed degassed degaussed degenerated degermed deglaciated deglamorized deglazed degraded degreased degreed degummed degusted dehisced dehorned dehorted dehumanized dehumidified dehydrated dehydrochlorinated dehydrogenated deiced deified deigned deindustrialized deinstitutionalized deionized dejected deked delaminated delated delayed deleaded deleaved deled delegated deleted deliberated delighted delimed delimited delineated deliquesced delisted delivered delocalized deloused deluded deluged delustered delved demagnetized demagoged demagogued demanded demarcated demarked demasted dematerialized demeaned demented demerged demergered demerited demilitarized demineralized demised demitted demobbed demobilized democratized demoded demodulated demoed demolished demonetized demonised demonized demonstrated demoralized demoted demounted demurred demystified demythologized denationalized denaturalized denatured denazified denervated denied denigrated denitrified denizened denned denominated denoted denounced densified dentated dented denticulated dentiled denuclearized denudated denuded deodorized deorbited deoxidized deoxygenated depainted departed departmentalized depended depermed depersonalized dephosphorylated depicted depilated deplaned depleted deplored deployed deplumed depolarized depolished depoliticized depolymerized deponed depopulated deported deposed deposited depraved deprecated depreciated depredated depressed depressurized deprived deprogramed deprogrammed depurated deputed deputized deracinated deraigned derailed deranged derated deratted deregulated derepressed derided derivatized derived derogated desacralized desalinated desalinized desalted desanded descanted descended descrambled described descried desecrated desegregated deselected desensitized deserted deserved desexed desexualized desiccated desiderated designated designed desilvered desired desisted desolated desorbed despaired despatched despiritualized despised despited despoiled desponded desquamated destabilized destained destined destroyed destructed desugared desulfured desulfurized detached detailed detained detasseled detasselled detected deterged deteriorated determined deterred detested dethroned deticked detonated detoured detoxed detoxicated detoxified detracted detrained detribalized detruded deuced deuterated devaluated devalued devastated deveined develed developed devested deviated deviled devilled devised devitalized devitrified devocalized devoiced devolved devoted devoured dewatered dewaxed dewed dewlapped dewooled dewormed dezinced dezincked diabolized diademed diagnosed diagonalized diagramed diagrammed dialed dialled dialoged dialogued dialysed dialyzed diamonded diapaused diapered diazotized dibbed dibbled diced dichotomized dicked dickered dictated diddled died dieseled dieselized dieted differed differenced differentiated diffracted diffused digested digged dighted digitalized digitized dignified digressed diked dilapidated dilated dilled dillydallied diluted dimensioned dimerized diminished dimmed dimpled dimwitted dindled dined dingdonged dinged dinked dinned dinted diphthongized diplomaed dipnetted dipped directed dirked dirled dirtied disabled disabused disaccorded disaccustomed disadvantaged disaffected disaffiliated disaffirmed disaggregated disagreed disallowed disambiguated disannulled disappeared disappointed disapproved disarmed disarranged disarrayed disarticulated disassembled disassociated disavowed disbanded disbarred disbelieved disbosomed disboweled disbowelled disbudded disburdened disbursed discalced discanted discarded discased disced discepted discerned discharged discipled disciplined disclaimed disclosed discoed discolored discombobulated discomfited discomforted discommended discommoded discomposed disconcerted disconfirmed disconnected discontented discontinued discorded discounted discountenanced discouraged discoursed discovered discredited discriminated discrowned discussed disdained diseased disembarked disembarrassed disembodied disembogued disemboweled disembowelled disenchanted disencumbered disendowed disenfranchised disengaged disentailed disentangled disenthralled disentitled disequilibrated disestablished disesteemed disfavored disfigured disfranchised disfrocked disfurnished disgorged disgraced disgruntled disguised disgusted disharmonized disheartened dished dishelmed disherited disheveled dishevelled dishonored disillusioned disinclined disinfected disinfested disinherited disinhibited disintegrated disinterested disinterred disintoxicated disinvested disinvited disjected disjoined disjointed disked disliked dislimned dislocated dislodged dismantled dismasted dismayed dismembered dismissed dismounted disobeyed disobliged disordered disorganized disorientated disoriented disowned disparaged disparted dispatched dispelled dispended dispensed dispeopled dispersed dispirited displaced displanted displayed displeased disploded displumed disported disposed dispossessed dispraised disprized disproportionated disproportioned disproved disputed disqualified disquantitied disquieted disrated disregarded disrelated disrelished disremembered disrespected disrobed disrooted disrupted dissatisfied dissaved disseated dissected dissed disseised disseized dissembled disseminated dissented dissertated disserted disserved dissevered dissimilated dissimulated dissipated dissociated dissolved dissuaded distained distanced distasted distempered distended distilled distinguished distorted distracted distrained distressed distributed districted distrusted disturbed disubstituted disunited disused disvalued disyoked ditched dithered dittoed divagated divaricated divebombed dived diverged diversified diverted divested divided divined divinised divinized divorced divulged divvied dizened dizzied doated docked docketed doctored documented doddered dodged doffed dogeared dogged doggoned doglegged dogmatized dognaped dognapped dogsled dogsledded dogtrotted doiled doited doled dolled dollied dolloped dolomitized domed domesticated domiciled domiciliated dominated domineered donated donned donnered doodled doomed doped dosed dossed doted dotted doubled doubted douched doused dovened dovetailed dowed doweled dowelled dowered downed downgraded downhearted downloaded downplayed downscaled downshifted downsized dowsed dozed dozened drabbed drabbled drafted dragged draggled dragooned drained dramatised dramatized drammed draped dratted draughted drawled drayed dreaded dreamed dredged dreed drenched dressed dribbed dribbled dried drifted drilled dripped driveled drivelled drizzled drolled droned drooled drooped dropped dropsied drouked droved drownded drowned drowsed drubbed drudged drugged drumbled drummed dualized dubbed ducked duckwalked duckweed ducted duded dueled duelled duetted duked dulcified dulled dumbed dumbfounded dumbfoundered dumfounded dummied dumped dunderheaded dunged dungeoned dunked dunned dunted duped duplexed duplicated dupped dured durned dusked dusted dwarfed dwelled dwindled dwined dyed dyeweed dyked dynamited eared earmarked earned earthed earwigged eased eaved eavesdropped ebbed ebonised ebonized eched echeloned echoed eclipsed economised economized ed eddied edged edified edited editorialized educated educed edulcorated effaced effected effectuated effervesced effloresced effulged effused egested egged eggheaded egressed ejaculated ejected eked elaborated elapsed elasticized elated elbowed elected electioneered electrified electrocuted electrodeposited electroed electroformed electrolyzed electrophoresed electroplated electrotyped elegised elegized elevated elicited elided eliminated eloigned eloined elongated eloped elucidated elucubrated eluded eluted elutriated eluviated emaciated emailed emanated emancipated emasculated embalmed embanked embargoed embarked embarrassed embarred embattled embayed embed embedded embellished embezzled embittered emblazed emblazoned emblematized emblemed embodied emboldened embordered embosked embosomed embossed embowed emboweled embowelled embowered embraced embrangled embrittled embroidered embroiled embrowned embrued embruted embryonated emceed emendated emended emerged emersed emigrated emitted emoted emotionalized empaled empaneled empanelled empathised empathized emphasised emphasized emplaced emplaned employed empoisoned empowered emptied empurpled emulated emulsified enabled enacted enameled enamelled enamored enamoured encaged encamped encapsulated encapsuled encased encashed enchained enchanted enchased enciphered encircled enclasped enclosed encoded encompassed encored encountered encouraged encrimsoned encroached encrusted encrypted encumbered encysted endamaged endangered endeared endeavored endeavoured ended endited endorsed endowed endued endured energised energized enervated enfaced enfeebled enfeoffed enfettered enfevered enfiladed enflamed enfolded enforced enframed enfranchised engaged engarlanded engendered engilded engined engineered engirded engirdled englished englobed englutted engorged engrafted engrailed engrained engraved engrossed engulfed enhaloed enhanced enisled enjambed enjoined enjoyed enkindled enlaced enlarged enlightened enlisted enlivened enmeshed ennobled enounced enplaned enquired enraged enraptured enravished enregistered enriched enrobed enrolled enrooted ensanguined ensconced enscrolled enserfed ensheathed enshrined enshrouded ensilaged ensiled enskied enskyed enslaved ensnared ensnarled ensorceled ensorcelled ensouled ensphered ensued ensured enswathed entailed entangled entered entertained enthralled enthroned enthused enticed entitled entoiled entombed entrained entranced entrapped entreated entrenched entrusted entwined entwisted enucleated enumerated enunciated enured enveloped envenomed envied environed envisaged envisioned enwheeled enwombed enwrapped enwreathed epauletted epigrammatized epilogued epithelialized epithelized epitomised epitomized epoxidized epoxied epoxyed equaled equalised equalized equalled equated equilibrated equipoised equipped equivocated eradiated eradicated erased erected ergotized ermined eroded eroticized erotized erred eructated eructed erupted escaladed escalated escalloped escaloped escaped escarped escheated eschewed escorted escoted escrowed espaliered espied espoused esquired essayed essentialized established estated esteemed esterified estimated estivated estopped estranged estrayed estreated etched eternalized eternised eternized etherealized etherified etherized ethicized ethylated etiolated etymologised etymologized euchred eulogised eulogized euphemised euphemized euthanatized euthanized evacuated evaded evaluated evanesced evangelized evanished evaporated evened evenhanded eventuated everted evicted evidenced evinced eviscerated evited evoked evolved exacerbated exacted exaggerated exalted examined exampled exasperated excavated exceed exceeded excelled excepted excerpted excessed exchanged excided excised excited exclaimed excluded excogitated excommunicated excoriated excreted excruciated exculpated excused execrated executed exemplified exempted exenterated exercised exerted exfoliated exhaled exhausted exhibited exhilarated exhorted exhumed exiled existed exited exonerated exorcised exorcized expanded expatiated expatriated expected expectorated expedited expelled expended expensed experienced experimented experted expertized expiated expired explained explanted explicated exploded exploited explored exported exposed exposited expostulated expounded expressed expropriated expulsed expunged expurgated exsanguinated exscinded exsected exserted exsiccated extemporised extemporized extended extenuated exteriorised exteriorized exterminated extermined externalised externalized extincted extinguished extirpated extolled extorted extracted extradited extrapolated extravagated extravasated extraverted extricated extroverted extruded extubated exuberated exuded exulted exuviated eyeballed eyed eyeletted fabled fabricated faced facelifted faceted facetted facilitated factored factorized faded fadged fagged faggoted fagoted failed fainted fainthearted faired faithed faked falcated fallowed falsified faltered famed familiarised familiarized famished fanaticized fancied fancified fanfolded fanged fanned fantasied fantasised fantasized fantasticated faradised faradized farced farded fared farewelled farfetched farmed farrowed farsighted farted fasciated fascicled fasciculated fascinated fashed fashioned fasted fastened fated fatheaded fathered fathomed fatigued fatted fattened faulted favored favoured fawned faxed fayed fazed feared feased feasted featherbed featherbedded featherbrained feathered featheredged featherheaded featherstitched featured feazed fecundated fed federalized federated feebleminded feed feezed feigned feinted felicitated fellated felled fellmongered fellowed fellowshiped fellowshipped felted feminised feminized fenagled fenced fended fendered fenestrated feoffed fermented ferreled ferrelled ferreted ferried ferruled fertilized feruled fessed festered festinated festooned fetched feted fetted fettered fettled feudalized feuded feued fevered fezzed fianchettoed fibbed fibered fiberglassed fiberized fibrillated fictionalised fictionalized fictionized fiddled fidged fidgeted fielded fieldstripped fifed figged figured filagreed filched filed fileted

What is a 11 letter word with the tenth letter e?

abbreviated, abbreviates, aberrancies, abhorrences, abiogeneses, absolutized, absolutizes, absorbances, abstinences, absurdities, accelerated, accelerates, accentuated, accentuates, acceptances, accessaries, accessioned, accessories, acclivities, accompanied, accompanies, accomplices, accordances, accumulated, accumulates, accusatives, achondrites, acidophiles, acoelomates, acridnesses, acropolises, acrylamides, actinolites, actinometer, actinomyces, actualities, acutenesses, adeptnesses, adiposities, adjacencies, adjudicated, adjudicates, adjutancies, admiralties, admittances, adrenalines, adulterated, adulterates, adultnesses, adversaries, adversities, advertences, aeciospores, aepyornises, aerogrammes, aerosolized, aerosolizes, aetiologies, affectioned, affirmances, affluencies, afterburner, afterimages, aftermarket, afterpieces, aftershaves, aftertastes, aggrandised, aggrandises, aggrandized, aggrandizer, aggrandizes, agoraphobes, ailanthuses, albatrosses, alertnesses, aliennesses, alikenesses, aliteracies, alivenesses, alkalimeter, alkalinized, alkalinizes, allantoides, allegiances, allegorised, allegorises, allegorized, allegorizer, allegorizes, alliterated, alliterates, alloantigen, allografted, allometries, allopatries, allosteries, allotropies, alonenesses, aloofnesses, altarpieces, altimetries, amalgamated, amalgamates, amantadines, amaryllises, ambergrises, ambiguities, ameliorated, ameliorates, amoebocytes, amoralities, amphibolies, amphioxuses, amphiphiles, amplenesses, amyloidoses, anadiploses, anagnorises, anaphylaxes, anastomosed, anastomoses, anastrophes, anchoresses, anchorwomen, ancientries, ancillaries, andalusites, androgynies, anecdotages, angelfishes, angrinesses, anilinguses, animalcules, animalities, animosities, anisogamies, annihilated, annihilates, annunciated, annunciates, anonymities, anophelines, antagonized, antagonizes, antechamber, anthologies, anthracenes, anthracites, anticipated, anticipates, antifreezes, antimonides, antinatures, antipathies, antiphonies, antiphrases, antiplagues, antipyrines, antiquaries, antiquities, antistories, antitruster, apartnesses, apicultures, apishnesses, apocalypses, aponeuroses, aposiopeses, apostatised, apostatises, apostatized, apostatizes, apostolates, apostrophes, apparatuses, appearances, apperceived, apperceives, appertained, appetencies, applesauces, apportioned, appositives, appreciated, appreciates, apprehended, apprenticed, apprentices, apriorities, aquamarines, arabilities, arborvitaes, arboviruses, archduchies, archenemies, architraves, arpeggiated, arpeggiates, arteritides, arthritides, arthrodeses, articulated, articulates, artilleries, ascendances, ascendences, ascertained, ascomycetes, asininities, askewnesses, asparagines, asphaltites, asphyxiated, asphyxiates, assemblages, assemblymen, asseverated, asseverates, assiduities, assimilated, assimilates, assistances, astrologies, astronomies, asymmetries, atelectases, atmosphered, atmospheres, atonalities, attendances, audiologies, audiophiles, auscultated, auscultates, austerities, authoresses, authorities, autocracies, autocrosses, autografted, autographed, autolysates, autolyzates, automatized, automatizes, automobiled, automobiles, autorotated, autorotates, autotomized, autotomizes, auxiliaries, aventurines, avicultures, awarenesses, awestricken, awfulnesses, axiomatized, axiomatizes, azotobacter, backbencher, backbenches, backbreaker, backcrossed, backcrosses, backdropped, backlighted, backpedaled, backscatter, backslapped, backslapper, backslidden, backstabbed, backstabber, backstopped, backstrokes, backtracked, bagginesses, baksheeshes, balkinesses, ballcarrier, ballyragged, balminesses, balustraded, balustrades, baneberries, bannerettes, baptistries, barbarities, barcarolles, barkentines, barnstormed, barnstormer, barometries, baronetages, baronetcies, barricadoed, barricadoes, bastardised, bastardises, bastardized, bastardizes, bastinadoed, bastinadoes, battinesses, bawdinesses, beachcombed, beachcomber, bearberries, becudgelled, bedrivelled, beglamoured, beleaguered, benchwarmer, benignities, benzocaines, bespattered, besprinkled, besprinkles, bestialized, bestializes, bewhiskered, bibliolater, bibliopoles, bichromated, bichromates, bidonvilles, bijouteries, billboarded, bimonthlies, binucleated, biocoenoses, biodegraded, biodegrades, bioengineer, biographees, biographies, biosafeties, biosciences, bipolarized, bipolarizes, birdbrained, birthplaces, birthstones, bitartrates, bittersweet, bituminized, bituminizes, bizarreries, blackballed, blackbirded, blackbirder, blackbodies, blackfishes, blackhander, blackjacked, blacklisted, blacklister, blackmailed, blackmailer, blacknesses, blacksnakes, blacktopped, blaeberries, blancmanges, blandnesses, blanknesses, blanquettes, blasphemies, blastomeres, blastopores, bleaknesses, blindfishes, blindfolded, blindnesses, blockbuster, blockhouses, bloodstones, bloodsucker, blowtorches, blueberries, bluebottles, bluegrasses, blueprinted, blueshifted, bluetongues, bluffnesses, bluntnesses, boatbuilder, bodybuilder, bodychecked, boilermaker, bolshevized, bolshevizes, bookmobiles, bookshelves, boomeranged, boondoggled, boondoggler, boondoggles, borderlines, bossinesses, botulinuses, bourgeoises, bowdlerised, bowdlerises, bowdlerized, bowdlerizer, bowdlerizes, brainteaser, brainwashed, brainwasher, brainwashes, branchlines, brashnesses, breadbasket, breadwinner, breakfasted, breakfaster, breastbones, briefnesses, brigandages, brigandines, brigantines, brilliances, brininesses, brisknesses, broadcasted, broadcaster, broadnesses, brocatelles, bronchioles, broomballer, brownstones, brucelloses, brusqueries, brutalities, buccaneered, buckskinned, bucktoothed, bulkinesses, bullfighter, bullfinches, bullterrier, bullwhipped, bullyragged, bumpinesses, burglarized, burglarizes, burgomaster, burlinesses, bushinesses, bushwhacked, bushwhacker, businessmen, butterflied, butterflies, butterflyer, buttinskies, buttonholed, buttonholer, buttonholes, buxomnesses, cabinetries, cachinnated, cachinnates, cacomistles, cacophonies, cadaverines, cageynesses, callosities, calorimeter, calumniated, calumniates, camerawomen, camouflaged, camouflages, camphorated, camphorates, campinesses, candidacies, candidiases, candlepower, canninesses, cantaloupes, cantatrices, cantharides, cantillated, cantillates, capacitated, capacitates, caparisoned, capillaries, capitalised, capitalises, capitalized, capitalizes, capitulated, capitulates, captaincies, captivities, caramelised, caramelises, caramelized, caramelizes, carbonadoed, carbonadoes, carbonnades, carburetted, carburetter, cardsharper, caricatured, caricatures, carillonned, carmagnoles, carnalities, carnallites, carpentered, carpentries, carpophores, carpospores, cartularies, cartwheeled, cartwheeler, caryopsides, cassowaries, castellated, casuistries, catabolites, catabolized, catabolizes, catachreses, catafalques, catalepsies, cataplexies, catarrhines, categorised, categorises, categorized, categorizes, catercorner, caterwauled, cattinesses, cauliflower, causalities, ceanothuses, celebrities, cellarettes, cellobioses, cellophanes, cenospecies, centenaries, centerlines, centralised, centralises, centralized, centralizer, centralizes, centrifuged, centrifuges, centromeres, centrosomes, certainties, chaffinches, chairmanned, chalcocites, chalybeates, champerties, chandleries, channelized, channelizes, chansonnier, chanticleer, charactered, charbroiled, charbroiler, charinesses, chartreuses, chatelaines, chatoyances, chauffeured, cheapnesses, cheapskates, checkmarked, cheerfuller, cheerleader, cheesecakes, chemisettes, chemisorbed, chemistries, chicaneries, chiffonades, chifforobes, chillnesses, chimpanzees, chiralities, chiromancer, chiropodies, chitchatted, chloralosed, chloraloses, chloramines, chlorinated, chlorinates, choanocytes, chocolatier, choirmaster, cholestases, chromomeres, chromosomes, chronologer, chronometer, chrysalides, chrysalises, chrysolites, chrysotiles, chugalugged, churchwomen, cimetidines, cinchonines, cinematized, cinematizes, circuitries, circumcised, circumciser, circumcises, circumfused, circumfuses, citizenries, citrullines, clapboarded, classicized, classicizes, cleanhanded, cleannesses, clearheaded, clearnesses, clergywomen, clingstones, clofibrates, clomiphenes, clonicities, closefisted, closenesses, cloudscapes, coacervates, coatdresses, cocaptained, coccidioses, cockatrices, cockinesses, cockneyfied, cockneyfies, cockroaches, cocounseled, codeveloped, codeveloper, coevalities, cofavorites, coffeemaker, cognizances, coheiresses, coherencies, cohostessed, cohostesses, colatitudes, colchicines, coldhearted, colemanites, coleoptiles, collarbones, collectanea, collectives, colonelcies, colophonies, colorimeter, colostomies, colportages, comediennes, comestibles, commentated, commentates, commissures, commixtures, commodified, commodifies, commodities, communiques, communities, companioned, compatibles, compensated, compensates, competences, compliances, complicated, complicates, compradores, compromised, compromiser, compromises, comptroller, comraderies, concavities, concentered, conceptuses, concertgoer, concertized, concertizes, conciliated, conciliates, concretized, concretizes, condensates, conditioned, conditioner, condolences, conferences, confidantes, confidences, confiscated, confiscates, confluences, conglobated, conglobates, congregated, congregates, congressmen, congruences, congruities, conjectured, conjecturer, conjectures, connectives, connivances, consciences, consciouses, conscripted, consecrated, consecrates, consensuses, consociated, consociates, consonances, constancies, constatives, constipated, constipates, constituted, constitutes, constrained, constricted, constringed, constringes, constructed, consuetudes, consumables, consummated, consummates, contextures, continences, contravened, contravener, contravenes, contributed, contributes, contumacies, contumelies, convalesced, convalesces, convexities, conveyancer, conveyances, coordinated, coordinates, copartnered, copresented, copublished, copublisher, copublishes, copulatives, copyrighted, cordgrasses, cordierites, corkinesses, corkscrewed, corninesses, corollaries, corpulences, correctives, corroborees, corselettes, corsetieres, corydalises, cosmogonies, cosmologies, cosponsored, costumeries, cotoneaster, counterplea, counterstep, countersued, countersues, counterview, countrified, countryfied, coursewares, courthouses, couturieres, covalencies, covariances, covenantees, coxcombries, crabgrasses, craftswomen, cranberries, crapshooter, crassitudes, crassnesses, crazinesses, creatinines, credulities, crematories, crenellated, crepuscules, crescendoed, crescendoes, crestfallen, crispnesses, criticaster, crookbacked, crossbanded, crossbarred, crossbearer, crossbowmen, crossnesses, crosspieces, crossruffed, crowberries, crowstepped, crudenesses, cruelnesses, cryoscopies, crystalized, crystalizes, ctenophores, cuckoldries, cupronickel, curiosities, curlinesses, currycombed, curveballed, cuttlebones, cyberspaces, cyclicities, cyclodienes, cyclostomes, cyclostyled, cyclostyles, cysteamines, cystoscopes, cytochromes, cytokineses, dailinesses, damselflies, datednesses, dazednesses, deacidified, deacidifies, deaconesses, deactivated, deactivates, debilitated, debilitates, decadencies, decalcified, decalcifies, decapitated, decapitates, decathletes, decelerated, decelerates, decertified, decertifies, decimalized, decimalizes, declivities, decolonized, decolonizes, decolorized, decolorizer, decolorizes, decongested, deductibles, deerberries, deerstalker, defeasances, defeminized, defeminizes, deferrables, definitives, definitized, definitizes, definitudes, deflagrated, deflagrates, deformities, degenerated, degenerates, deglaciated, dehiscences, dehumanized, dehumanizes, delaminated, delaminates, delectables, deliberated, deliberates, deliquesced, deliquesces, deliverymen, delocalized, delocalizes, demobilized, demobilizes, democracies, demodulated, demodulates, demographer, demoiselles, demonetized, demonetizes, demoralized, demoralizer, demoralizes, demystified, demystifies, denitrified, denitrifier, denitrifies, denominated, denominates, densenesses, dentifrices, dentistries, dependances, dependences, depolarized, depolarizer, depolarizes, depopulated, depopulates, depravities, depreciated, depreciates, depressives, deprogramed, deracinated, deracinates, deregulated, deregulates, derepressed, derepresses, derivatives, derivatized, derivatizes, desalinated, desalinates, desalinized, desalinizes, deshabilles, desiderated, desiderates, desistances, desperadoes, desquamated, desquamates, detasselled, deterrences, detoxicated, detoxicates, devilfishes, devitalized, devitalizes, devitrified, devitrifies, devocalized, devocalizes, dexterities, dextranases, diachronies, diaphorases, diaphoreses, diarthroses, diathermies, dichogamies, dichotomies, dichromates, dictyosomes, differenced, differences, diffidences, digitalises, digitalized, digitalizes, dignitaries, dilapidated, dilapidates, dilatancies, dilatometer, dilettantes, dimensioned, dimethoates, diminutives, dinginesses, dinnertimes, dinnerwares, diphosgenes, diplomacies, diplophases, directories, directrices, directrixes, dirtinesses, disaccorded, disaffected, disaffirmed, disannulled, disappeared, disapproved, disapprover, disapproves, disarranged, disarranges, disbelieved, disbeliever, disbelieves, disbowelled, disburdened, dischargees, disciplined, discipliner, disciplines, disclimaxes, disclosures, discomfited, discommoded, discommodes, discomposed, discomposes, discophiles, discouraged, discourager, discourages, discoveries, discredited, disembarked, disembodied, disembodies, disembogued, disembogues, disencumber, disentailed, disentitled, disentitles, disesteemed, disgruntled, disgruntles, dishabilles, dishevelled, disinclined, disinclines, disinfected, disinfested, disinterred, disinvested, dismembered, disoriented, disparities, disposables, disregarded, disrelished, disrelishes, disremember, dissensuses, dissertated, dissertates, disservices, dissidences, dissociated, dissociates, dissonances, distempered, distillates, distributed, distributee, distributes, disyllables, ditchdigger, divaricated, divaricates, divergences, diversified, diversifier, diversifies, diversities, divulgences, dizzinesses, dobsonflies, dodginesses, dolomitized, dolomitizes, dormitories, dosimetries, dottinesses, dowdinesses, downhearted, downshifted, downstrokes, downtrodden, dragonflies, dramaturges, draughtsmen, drawbridges, drillmaster, drollnesses, dromedaries, ductilities, dullsvilles, dumbfounded, dumbfounder, dumpinesses, dundrearies, duplicities, duskinesses, dustinesses, duumvirates, dwarfnesses, dynamometer, dysenteries, dystrophies, eagernesses, earlinesses, earthquakes, earthshaker, earthshines, ebulliences, echoviruses, edelweisses, edibilities, edulcorated, edulcorates, effectuated, effectuates, effeminates, effervesced, effervesces, effloresced, effloresces, effulgences, eigenvalues, elasticized, elecampanes, electioneer, electorates, electresses, electrified, electrifies, electuaries, elucubrated, elucubrates, emancipated, emancipates, emasculated, emasculates, embarrassed, embarrasses, embellished, embellisher, embellishes, embouchures, embraceries, embroidered, embroiderer, embryonated, emergencies, emotivities, employables, emptinesses, enamelwares, encompassed, encompasses, encountered, encrimsoned, endeavoured, endocytoses, endoenzymes, endomitoses, endomixises, endopodites, endoscopies, enfleurages, engarlanded, enlightened, ensanguined, ensanguines, ensorcelled, entelechies, enteritides, enteritises, enterpriser, enterprises, entertained, entertainer, ephemerides, epicuticles, epidermises, epigraphies, episcopates, epistrophes, epithelized, epithelizes, equivocated, equivocates, erectnesses, ergonovines, ergotamines, erosivities, escadrilles, escritoires, espadrilles, established, establisher, establishes, eternalized, eternalizes, ethnicities, ethnologies, etymologies, eurhythmies, evangelized, evangelizes, eviscerated, eviscerates, exacerbated, exacerbates, exactitudes, exactnesses, exaggerated, exaggerates, exasperated, exasperates, excellences, excogitated, excogitates, excruciated, excruciates, executioner, executrices, executrixes, exemplified, exemplifies, exenterated, exenterates, exhilarated, exhilarates, exodermises, expatriated, expatriates, expectances, expediences, expendables, experienced, experiences, expressages, extensities, extortioner, extractives, extralities, extraverted, extremities, extroverted, exuberances, exultancies, exurbanites, facilitated, facilitates, facticities, faintnesses, fallaleries, falsenesses, fanaticized, fanaticizes, fancinesses, farmerettes, fattinesses, faultfinder, featurettes, fecundities, federaleses, federalized, federalizes, felicitated, felicitates, fenestrated, ferrimagnet, ferromagnet, fertilities, festivities, fetidnesses, fetoscopies, feudalities, feudatories, fiberscopes, fibrillated, fibrillates, fictionized, fictionizes, fiduciaries, fieldpieces, fieldstones, fierinesses, filminesses, firecracker, firefighter, fireproofed, fisherwomen, fissilities, fixednesses, flagellated, flagellates, flagrancies, flakinesses, flapdoodles, flatulences, fleetnesses, flimflammed, flimflammer, flippancies, floatplanes, flocculated, flocculates, floorwalker, floridities, floristries, flowerettes, fluidnesses, fluoridated, fluoridates, fluorimeter, fluorinated, fluorinates, fluorometer, flushnesses, foaminesses, fogginesses, fontanelles, footbridges, footdragger, footfaulted, footslogged, footslogger, foraminifer, forecaddies, forecastles, forechecked, forechecker, forequarter, forereached, forereaches, foreshorten, foresighted, forestalled, forestaller, foretokened, forfeitures, forgathered, formalities, formicaries, formularies, foulmouthed, fourdrinier, fourrageres, fragilities, fragrancies, frailnesses, franchisees, frangipanes, frankfurter, franknesses, fraternized, fraternizer, fraternizes, fratricides, freehearted, freethinker, freewheeled, freewheeler, freightages, frenchified, frenchifies, frequencies, freshnesses, frigidities, frivolities, frontolyses, frostbitten, frugalities, fruitfuller, fullmouthed, funkinesses, funninesses, furanosides, furosemides, fussinesses, fustinesses, fuzzinesses, gadolinites, gallantries, gallbladder, gallerygoer, galleryites, gallinipper, gallivanted, gametocytes, garnierites, garrulities, gassinesses, gastritides, gastronomes, gastrulated, gastrulates, gaudinesses, gauntnesses, gearchanges, gelatinized, gelatinizes, gemmologies, genealogies, generalised, generalises, generalized, generalizer, generalizes, genialities, geniculated, gentilesses, gentilities, gentlewomen, genuflected, geobotanies, geographies, geometrised, geometrises, geometrized, geometrizes, geosciences, gerrymander, ghostwriter, ghostwrites, gibberishes, gibbosities, giddinesses, gillyflower, gimmickries, gladioluses, glamourized, glamourizes, glassblower, glasshouses, glassworker, glauconites, glengarries, globefishes, globeflower, glossitises, gnatcatcher, godchildren, goddaughter, godfathered, godforsaken, godlinesses, goldbricked, goldfinches, gooeynesses, goofinesses, goosefishes, goosenecked, gormandised, gormandises, gormandized, gormandizer, gormandizes, governances, governesses, gracefuller, gracilities, gradiometer, gramophones, grandaddies, grandbabies, grandfather, grandmother, grandnephew, grandnesses, grandnieces, granduncles, granophyres, graphitized, graphitizes, grapinesses, graptolites, grasshopper, gratefuller, gravenesses, gravestones, gravidities, greatnesses, grecianized, grecianizes, greenbacker, greengrocer, greenhouses, greenkeeper, greenmailed, greenmailer, greennesses, greenstones, griminesses, grindstones, grossnesses, groundsheet, groundwater, gruffnesses, guardhouses, guillotined, guillotines, gumminesses, gushinesses, gustinesses, gutsinesses, gynogeneses, haberdasher, habilitated, habilitates, hackberries, hagiologies, hagioscopes, hairbrushes, hairdresser, hairinesses, halfhearted, halfpennies, halogenated, halogenates, hamminesses, handcrafted, handicapped, handicapper, handinesses, handpresses, handwringer, handwritten, haplologies, happinesses, harbingered, hardinesses, hardmouthed, harebrained, harquebuses, harshnesses, hastinesses, headcheeses, headdresses, headinesses, headquarter, heartbroken, heartseases, heathenized, heathenizes, heatstrokes, heavinesses, hedgehopped, hedgehopper, heftinesses, heliotropes, hemispheres, hemopoieses, hemorrhaged, hemorrhages, hemstitched, hemstitcher, hemstitches, hendiadyses, heparinized, hepatitides, hepatocytes, heptarchies, herbivories, hereinafter, hesitancies, heterodyned, heterodynes, heterolyses, heulandites, hexokinases, hideosities, hierarchies, highlighted, hillbillies, hindquarter, hippinesses, hippocrases, hippodromes, histiocytes, histologies, hoarinesses, hobbyhorses, hodgepodges, hokeynesses, hollowwares, holoenzymes, holographed, holographer, homeostases, homesteaded, homesteader, homeynesses, homogenates, homogenised, homogenises, homogenized, homogenizer, homogenizes, homologated, homologates, homologized, homologizer, homologizes, homophonies, homoplasies, homopolymer, homospories, homozygoses, homozygotes, honeycombed, honeyguides, honeymooned, honeymooner, hopscotched, hopscotches, hornblendes, horninesses, horseplayer, horsinesses, hostilities, hourglasses, houseboater, housebroken, housefather, householder, housekeeper, housemaster, housemother, huffinesses, humannesses, humoresques, hunchbacked, husbandries, huskinesses, hybridities, hydrologies, hydrophanes, hydrophones, hydrophytes, hydroplaned, hydroplanes, hydrospaces, hydroxyurea, hygrophytes, hymnologies, hypergamies, hypermarket, hyperplanes, hyperspaces, hypocrisies, hypotenuses, iconicities, iconologies, iconoscopes, iconostases, ideologized, ideologizes, ignimbrites, ignoramuses, illegalized, illegalizes, illiterates, illuminated, illuminates, illustrated, illustrates, imaginaries, imipramines, immanencies, immediacies, immensities, imminencies, immittances, immobilized, immobilizer, immobilizes, immodesties, immortelles, imparadised, imparadises, impassioned, impatiences, imperatives, implemented, implementer, importances, imposthumes, impotencies, impregnated, impregnates, impressures, imprudences, inabilities, inactivated, inactivates, inanenesses, inaptitudes, inaptnesses, inaugurated, inaugurates, incandesced, incandesces, inchoatives, incinerated, incinerates, incipiences, incorrupted, incurrences, indecencies, indefinites, indemnified, indemnifier, indemnifies, indemnities, indicatives, indigenized, indigenizes, indignities, inductances, indulgences, inebrieties, inelegances, ineligibles, ineptitudes, ineptnesses, inerrancies, inertnesses, infantrymen, infiltrated, infiltrates, infinitives, infinitudes, infirmaries, infirmities, inflatables, ingenuities, ingratiated, ingratiates, ingressives, inharmonies, initialized, initializes, initiatives, injectables, innocencies, innumerates, inosculated, inosculates, inquietudes, insectaries, inseminated, inseminates, insistences, inspissated, inspissates, insufflated, insufflates, insurgences, intangibles, integrities, intendances, intenerated, intenerates, intensified, intensifier, intensifies, intensities, interallied, interbedded, intercepted, intercepter, intercooler, intercrater, interdealer, interdicted, interfluves, intergraded, intergrades, interjected, interlapped, interlarded, interleaved, interleaves, interlinked, interlocked, intermeshed, intermeshes, intermitted, intermitter, interphases, interplayed, interpreted, interpreter, interrogees, interrupted, interrupter, intersected, interspaced, interspaces, interstates, interstices, intersystem, intertilled, intertwined, intertwines, intervalley, interviewed, interviewee, interviewer, interweaved, interweaves, interworked, intestacies, intimidated, intimidates, intoxicated, intoxicates, intricacies, introjected, intromitted, intromitter, introverted, inutilities, invaginated, invaginates, invalidated, invalidates, invariables, invariances, inventoried, inventories, invernesses, invigilated, invigilates, invigorated, invigorates, inviolacies, ionospheres, iratenesses, iridologies, iridosmines, ironhearted, irradiances, irrealities, isinglasses, isocyanates, isoleucines, italianated, italianates, italianised, italianises, italianized, italianizes, itchinesses, itineraries, jadednesses, janissaries, jardinieres, jasperwares, jazzinesses, jellyfishes, jeopardised, jeopardises, jeopardized, jeopardizes, jerkinesses, jewelleries, jocundities, johnnycakes, jointresses, journaleses, journalized, journalizer, journalizes, jovialities, judicatures, judiciaries, juicinesses, jumpinesses, karyogamies, karyologies, keratinized, keratinizes, keratitides, kerseymeres, ketogeneses, killifishes, kilogausses, kimberlites, kindhearted, kinestheses, kinetosomes, kinkinesses, knobkerries, knotgrasses, kookinesses, lallygagged, lamebrained, laminitises, lammergeier, lammergeyer, lamplighter, lankinesses, lanthanides, largenesses, larkinesses, lateralized, lateralizes, laundresses, laundrettes, lavallieres, leakinesses, leapfrogged, leaseholder, legginesses, legionaries, legitimated, legitimates, legitimised, legitimises, legitimized, legitimizer, legitimizes, lemniscates, lepidolites, leptospires, lethalities, letterboxed, leukotomies, levelheaded, levelnesses, lexicalized, lexicalizes, liabilities, liberalised, liberalises, liberalized, liberalizer, liberalizes, licentiates, lifeguarded, lighterages, lighthouses, lightnesses, lightninged, lightplanes, limelighted, limnologies, limpidities, linealities, linearities, lionhearted, lipogeneses, liquidities, listerioses, literalized, literalizes, literatures, lithenesses, lithologies, lithophanes, lithophytes, lithotomies, littermates, livetrapped, lividnesses, loathnesses, lobectomies, lobotomised, lobotomises, lobotomized, lobotomizes, locomotives, loftinesses, logomachies, lollygagged, longevities, longsighted, looninesses, loosenesses, lophophores, loquacities, loudmouthed, loudspeaker, lousinesses, lowlinesses, lubricities, lucidnesses, luciferases, luckinesses, lumpinesses, luridnesses, lusterwares, lustinesses, luxuriances, lymphocytes, lymphokines, lyophilised, lyophilises, lyophilized, lyophilizer, lyophilizes, lysogenised, lysogenises, lysogenized, lysogenizes, macadamized, macadamizes, machineries, macintoshes, macronuclei, macrophages, macrophytes, macroscales, magistrates, magnificoes, maisonettes, makereadies, maladjusted, malignances, malignities, mammalogies, mammillated, mandataries, mandatories, manginesses, manifestoed, manifestoes, manipulated, manipulates, manlinesses, manometries, mansuetudes, maquillages, margravates, margravines, marguerites, marionettes, marquetries, marquisates, marrowbones, marshalcies, martensites, martingales, mascarpones, masqueraded, masquerader, masquerades, mastoidites, masturbated, masturbates, maternities, mateynesses, matrimonies, maxillaries, mayonnaises, mayoralties, meadowsweet, meatinesses, mediatrices, mediatrixes, megagametes, melanocytes, melanosomes, mellophones, mendacities, mendicities, menstruated, menstruates, mentalities, mentholated, meperidines, mercenaries, merchantmen, merrinesses, mesenchymes, mesenteries, meshuggener, mesospheres, messinesses, metabolites, metabolized, metabolizes, metageneses, metalworker, metanalyses, metaphrases, metestruses, methedrines, methionines, metrologies, microbrewer, microbusses, microclines, microcopies, microcuries, microfiches, microfilmed, microfilmer, microimages, microinches, micronuclei, microphages, microphones, microprobes, microquakes, microreader, microscales, microscopes, microspores, microstates, midwiferies, mignonettes, militancies, militarised, militarises, militarized, militarizes, milkinesses, millenaries, millicuries, millidegree, millineries, minaudieres, mineralised, mineralises, mineralized, mineralizer, mineralizes, minestrones, minesweeper, minicourses, miniskirted, minnesinger, misadjusted, misanalyses, misbalanced, misbalances, misbegotten, misbelieved, misbeliever, misbelieves, misbuttoned, miscellanea, miscomputed, miscomputes, misdirected, miseducated, miseducates, misemphases, misemployed, misenrolled, misesteemed, misfocussed, misfocusses, misfortunes, misgoverned, misinferred, misinformed, misinterred, mislabelled, misoriented, mispackaged, mispackages, misreckoned, misrecorded, misreferred, misregister, misremember, misrendered, misreported, missileries, missionized, missionizer, missionizes, misstricken, mistinesses, mithridates, mobocracies, modernities, modularized, moistnesses, moisturised, moisturises, moisturized, moisturizer, moisturizes, moldinesses, monasteries, moneylender, mongrelized, mongrelizes, monochromes, monocracies, monogeneses, monogrammed, monogrammer, monographed, monophagies, monophonies, monophylies, monopolised, monopolises, monopolized, monopolizer, monopolizes, monopsonies, monostelies, monstrances, moodinesses, moonlighted, moonlighter, morbidities, mortalities, mothproofed, mothproofer, motocrosses, motorboater, motorbusses, motorcycled, motorcycles, mountaineer, mournfuller, mousinesses, mousselines, mouthpieces, mouthwashes, muddinesses, mugginesses, multibarrel, multibladed, multicelled, multicenter, multicoated, multiheaded, multimanned, multimember, multiplayer, multiplexed, multiplexer, multiplexes, multiscreen, multisystem, multitiered, mundanities, mundunguses, murderesses, murkinesses, museologies, mushinesses, musicalised, musicalises, musicalized, musicalizes, muskinesses, mussinesses, mustachioed, mustinesses, mutageneses, mutualities, muzzinesses, mycophagies, myocardites, myoclonuses, mystagogies, mystagogues, mythologies, myxomatoses, myxomycetes, myxoviruses, nailbrushes, naivenesses, nakednesses, nalorphines, naltrexones, narcissuses, nastinesses, natriureses, nattinesses, naturalised, naturalises, naturalized, naturalizes, nearsighted, necessaries, necessities, neckerchief, necrologies, necromancer, needinesses, needlewomen, negligences, negrophobes, neighboured, nematicides, nematocides, neocortexes, neocortices, nephoscopes, nephritides, nervinesses, nervosities, neurologies, neutralised, neutralises, neutralized, neutralizer, neutralizes, newsinesses, newspapered, nifedipines, nightscopes, nightshades, nightwalker, ninnyhammer, nippinesses, noblenesses, noisinesses, nominatives, nonathletes, nonattached, nonattender, nonbeliever, noncolleges, noncomposer, noncomputer, nonconsumer, noncustomer, nondirected, nondisabled, nondurables, nonemployee, nonentities, nonfamilies, noninfected, noninfested, noninvolved, nonparallel, nonroutines, nonsciences, nonselected, nontaxables, normalities, northeaster, northerlies, northwester, notednesses, notorieties, novaculites, nucleosides, nucleosomes, nucleotides, nunciatures, nurturances, nuttinesses, nystagmuses, objectified, objectifies, obliquities, obliterated, obliterates, obnubilated, obnubilates, obscenities, obscurities, observables, observances, obstinacies, occupancies, occurrences, offertories, officiaries, oligarchies, oligoclases, oligopolies, oncogeneses, ontogeneses, openhearted, openmouthed, operculated, opinionated, optometries, ordonnances, ornithopter, orographies, orthocenter, orthoclases, orthodoxies, osmometries, osteologies, othernesses, otherwhiles, outachieved, outachieves, outbalanced, outbalances, outcavilled, outcompeted, outcompetes, outdesigned, outdoorsmen, outmaneuver, outnumbered, outpreached, outpreaches, outproduced, outproduces, outpromised, outpromises, outrivalled, outsparkled, outsparkles, outsprinted, outstridden, outstripped, outthrobbed, outwrestled, outwrestles, overblouses, overbrowsed, overbrowses, overcharged, overcharges, overchilled, overclaimed, overcleaned, overcleared, overclouded, overcoached, overcoaches, overcomplex, overcounted, overcrammed, overcropped, overcrowded, overdosages, overdressed, overdresses, overexcited, overexcites, overexerted, overexposed, overexposes, overfavored, overfocused, overfocuses, overhandled, overhandles, overlabored, overlearned, overlighted, overmanaged, overmanages, overmatched, overmatches, overmuscled, overnighted, overnighter, overpedaled, overpeopled, overpeoples, overplaided, overplanned, overplanted, overplotted, overpowered, overpraised, overpraises, overprinted, overreached, overreacher, overreaches, overreacted, overrefined, overslipped, overspender, overstaffed, overstepped, overstirred, overstocked, overstories, overstrewed, overstrides, overstuffed, oversweeten, overtighten, overtnesses, overtrained, overtreated, overtrimmed, overtrumped, overwatered, overweighed, overwhelmed, overwritten, oxyhydrogen, packsaddles, pageantries, palatalized, palatalizes, palatinates, palindromes, palliatives, palmistries, pamphleteer, pantalettes, pantdresses, papaverines, paperbacked, paperhanger, paradiddles, paradropped, parageneses, paragraphed, paragrapher, parallelled, paraphrased, paraphraser, paraphrases, parasitised, parasitises, parasitized, parasitizes, parasitoses, paratrooper, parcenaries, parentheses, parishioner, parotitises, parquetries, parsimonies, participles, partitioned, partitioner, pasquinaded, pasquinades, passivities, pasteurised, pasteurises, pasteurized, pasteurizer, pasteurizes, pastinesses, patchoulies, paternities, paternoster, pathologies, patisseries, patriciates, patrimonies, patronesses, peacefuller, peacekeeper, peasantries, pederasties, pedestalled, pediculates, pediculoses, pedogeneses, pejoratives, pellitories, pemphiguses, pendentives, penetrances, pentarchies, pepperboxes, peppertrees, peppinesses, percentages, percentiles, perfectives, perfumeries, peridotites, periostites, peripatuses, peripheries, periphrases, perishables, peristalses, peritonites, periwinkles, perkinesses, permanences, permillages, perovskites, peroxidases, peroxisomes, perpetrated, perpetrates, perpetuated, perpetuates, perquisites, persecutees, persiflages, personified, personifier, personifies, pertinences, pertussises, pestilences, petrologies, petticoated, pettifogged, pettifogger, pettinesses, petulancies, phenacaines, phenocopies, phenologies, philandered, philanderer, philatelies, philistines, philologies, philosopher, philosophes, phlebitides, phlogopites, phoninesses, phonologies, photocopied, photocopier, photocopies, photodiodes, photomapped, photophases, photophores, photosetter, photostated, photosystem, phrasemaker, phycologies, phyllotaxes, phylogenies, pianofortes, picaninnies, picaresques, pickabacked, pieceworker, pigeonholed, pigeonholer, pigeonholes, piggybacked, pilgrimaged, pilgrimages, pillowcases, pilothouses, pimpmobiles, pinocytoses, piousnesses, piperazines, piperidines, pitchforked, pithinesses, pituitaries, placeholder, placekicked, placekicker, placidities, plagiarised, plagiarises, plagiarized, plagiarizer, plagiarizes, plainnesses, plainspoken, planarities, planchettes, plangencies, plasmagenes, plasminogen, plasmolyses, plasmolyzed, plasmolyzes, plasticenes, plasticines, plasticized, plasticizer, plasticizes, platyfishes, plebiscites, plentitudes, plumpnesses, pluralities, plushnesses, pneumonites, poignancies, pokeberries, polarimeter, polemicized, polemicizes, policewomen, politicised, politicises, politicized, politicizes, polyandries, polychaetes, polychromed, polychromes, polygamized, polygamizes, polygeneses, polygrapher, polylysines, polymathies, polymerases, polymerised, polymerises, polymerized, polymerizes, polyphagies, polyphonies, pompadoured, pomposities, popularised, popularises, popularized, popularizer, popularizes, possessives, posterities, potentiated, potentiates, powerhouses, praemunires, pratincoles, preachified, preachifies, preadmitted, preallotted, preapproved, preapproves, prearranged, prearranges, preassigned, precanceled, precedences, precensored, precocities, precolleges, precomputed, precomputer, precomputes, predacities, predeceased, predeceases, predestined, predestines, prediabetes, predicables, predigested, predisposed, predisposes, prednisones, prefectures, preferences, prefinanced, prefinances, prefocussed, prefocusses, prefreshmen, pregnancies, premeasured, premeasures, premodified, premodifies, premonished, premonishes, prenotified, prenotifies, prenumbered, preoccupied, preoccupies, preordained, prepackaged, prepackages, preprepared, prerecorded, preregister, prereleases, prerequired, prerequires, preschooler, presciences, prescreened, preselected, preshrunken, pressurised, pressurises, pressurized, pressurizer, pressurizes, prestorages, prestressed, prestresses, presupposed, presupposes, prevalences, preventives, previsioned, priestesses, primalities, primenesses, prioritized, prioritizes, privateered, prizewinner, probationer, proboscides, proboscises, procaryotes, proestruses, profanities, profiteered, profligates, progestogen, projectiles, prokaryotes, prolixities, prologuized, prologuizes, prominences, promulgated, promulgates, pronenesses, proofreader, prophylaxes, propionates, propitiated, propitiates, proprieties, prosinesses, prostatites, prostituted, prostitutes, proteinases, proteolyses, prothoraces, prothoraxes, protocolled, protophloem, protoplanet, protosteles, protostomes, provenances, providences, provisioned, provisioner, proximities, pruriencies, psilophytes, psittacines, psittacoses, pubescences, publicities, pudginesses, puerilities, puffinesses, pugnacities, pulpinesses, pumpkinseed, punkinesses, purgatories, pursinesses, purtenances, purveyances, pushinesses, pussyfooted, pussyfooter, putrescines, putridities, pyranosides, pyridoxines, pyrimidines, pyrolusites, pyrolysates, pyrolyzates, pyromancies, pyrometries, pyroxenites, pyrrhotites, pythonesses, quacksalver, quadrangles, quadratures, quadrupoles, quantitated, quantitates, quarantined, quarantines, quarterages, quarterlies, queernesses, quicknesses, quicksilver, quiescences, quietnesses, quinacrines, quitclaimed, rabidnesses, racecourses, racetracker, racketeered, radarscopes, radicalised, radicalises, radicalized, radicalizes, radiologies, radiophones, radiosondes, radiotracer, rambouillet, rancidities, ranginesses, rapidnesses, rascalities, raspberries, rataplanned, rathskeller, rawinsondes, reactivated, reactivates, readdressed, readdresses, readinesses, reallocated, reallocates, reappointed, reappraised, reappraises, reassembled, reassembles, reattempted, recanalized, recanalizes, receivables, receptacles, recertified, recertifies, rechanneled, rechartered, recitatives, recollected, recolonized, recolonizes, recommenced, recommences, recommended, recommitted, recompensed, recompenses, reconceived, reconceives, recondensed, recondenses, reconfirmed, reconnected, reconnoiter, reconquered, recontacted, recontoured, reconverted, reconvicted, reconvinced, reconvinces, recrudesced, recrudesces, recuperated, recuperates, recurrences, recusancies, recyclables, redecorated, redecorates, rededicated, rededicates, redelivered, redeposited, redescribed, redescribes, redeveloped, redeveloper, rediscussed, rediscusses, redisplayed, redissolved, redissolves, redistilled, reedinesses, reembroider, reencounter, reenergized, reenergizes, reenthroned, reenthrones, reentrances, reescalated, reescalates, reestimated, reestimates, reevaluated, reevaluates, reexposures, reexpressed, reexpresses, refashioned, refectories, reformatted, refortified, refortifies, refreshened, refulgences, refurbished, refurbisher, refurbishes, refurnished, refurnishes, regenerated, regenerates, regularized, regularizes, rehumanized, rehumanizes, reimplanted, reinhabited, reinitiated, reinitiates, reinspected, reinstalled, reinterpret, reinterview, rejuvenated, rejuvenates, relacquered, relativized, relativizes, relevancies, reliquaries, reliquefied, reliquefies, reluctances, remaindered, remarriages, remittances, remobilized, remobilizes, remoistened, remonetized, remonetizes, remotivated, remotivates, remunerated, remunerates, renascences, renitencies, renominated, renominates, reorganized, reorganizer, reorganizes, reoutfitted, repatriated, repatriates, repatterned, repentances, repertoires, repertories, replastered, replenished, replenisher, replenishes, repolarized, repolarizes, repopulated, repopulates, repossessed, repossesses, reprehended, represented, representer, reprimanded, reprobances, reprocessed, reprocesses, reprogramed, republished, republisher, republishes, repugnances, repurchased, repurchases, reregulated, reregulates, rescheduled, reschedules, resentenced, resentences, residencies, resiliences, resistances, resubmitted, resurgences, resurrected, resyntheses, reticencies, reticulated, reticulates, retightened, retinitides, retrodicted, retrofitted, retrograded, retrogrades, returnables, reupholster, revalidated, revalidates, revalorized, revalorizes, revegetated, revegetates, reversibles, reversioner, revictualed, revitalised, revitalises, revitalized, revitalizes, rhabdomeres, rhapsodized, rhapsodizes, rheumatizes, rhinestoned, rhinestones, rhizoplanes, rhizotomies, ricochetted, rigamaroles, rightnesses, rigidnesses, ringstraked, riskinesses, ritzinesses, roadblocked, rockinesses, roominesses, roquelaures, rotaviruses, rotisseries, rotundities, roughhoused, roughhouses, roughnesses, roundheaded, roundhouses, roundnesses, roundtables, rowdinesses, ruddinesses, rumormonger, runtinesses, rusticities, rustinesses, sablefishes, sacahuistes, saccharases, saccharides, saddletrees, safecracker, safeguarded, sagebrushes, saleratuses, salesladies, salicylates, salinometer, salpingites, saltinesses, salubrities, samarskites, sanctuaries, sandblasted, sandblaster, sandglasses, sandgrouses, sandinesses, sandpapered, sappinesses, saprophytes, sarcoidoses, sassafrases, saucinesses, sauerbraten, scalinesses, scaloppines, scandalised, scandalises, scandalized, scandalizes, scantnesses, scapegoated, scapegraces, scaremonger, scatologies, schematized, schematizes, schipperkes, schmaltzier, schnorkeled, schoolmates, schooltimes, schwarmerei, sclerometer, sclerotized, scorekeeper, scoutmaster, screwdriver, scrimshawed, scrutinised, scrutinises, scrutinized, scrutinizer, scrutinizes, scutellated, seaminesses, secondaries, secretaries, sectilities, secularised, secularises, secularized, secularizer, secularizes, securitized, securitizes, seedinesses, seigneuries, seigniories, seignorages, seismometer, semicircles, semideified, semideifies, semidwarves, semiologies, semiretired, semiskilled, semitrailer, senescences, seniorities, sensualized, sensualizes, sentinelled, sepulchered, sequacities, sequestered, sergeancies, sergeanties, serigrapher, serjeanties, sermonettes, serpentines, servilities, severalties, sexualities, shadberries, shadinesses, shadowboxed, shadowboxes, shaggymanes, shakinesses, shankpieces, shareholder, sharpnesses, sheepherder, sheernesses, shellfishes, shigelloses, shininesses, shinplaster, shipbuilder, shipwrecked, shorthaired, shorthanded, shortnesses, shovelnoses, showinesses, showstopper, shrubberies, sialagogues, sidednesses, sidedresses, siderolites, sidesaddles, sideslipped, sidestepped, sidestepper, sidestrokes, sidetracked, signatories, silhouetted, silhouettes, siliconized, silkinesses, sillinesses, silversides, silverwares, similitudes, simulcasted, sincerities, singletrees, sinuosities, sinusitises, skyrocketed, slacknesses, slaphappier, slaughtered, slaughterer, slaveholder, sleeknesses, sleepwalked, sleepwalker, slenderized, slenderizes, slicknesses, sliminesses, slivovitzes, sloganeered, smallholder, smallnesses, smaragdites, smartnesses, smokehouses, smokinesses, smoothbores, snakebitten, snapshooter, snapshotted, snickersnee, snidenesses, snowberries, snowboarder, snowbrushes, snowinesses, snowmobiler, snowmobiles, soapberries, soapinesses, sobernesses, socialities, sociologies, sockdolager, sockdologer, softhearted, sogginesses, solemnified, solemnifies, solemnities, solicitudes, solidnesses, soliloquies, solubilised, solubilises, solubilized, solubilizes, somatotypes, somersetted, somewhither, somnolences, sootinesses, sophistries, soppinesses, sorceresses, sorrinesses, soundalikes, soundnesses, soundstages, sousaphones, southeaster, southerlies, southwester, spacewalked, spacewalker, spadefishes, sparenesses, speakeasies, spearfished, spearfishes, spearheaded, specialised, specialises, specialized, specializes, specialties, speechified, speechifies, speedballed, speedometer, spellbinder, spermicides, sperrylites, sphalerites, spherometer, spherulites, spicebushes, spicinesses, spikinesses, spininesses, spinosities, spirochetes, spitefuller, splayfooted, spokeshaves, spokeswomen, spondylites, spongewares, sporogonies, sporophores, sporophytes, sporozoites, sportswomen, spotlighted, spreadsheet, sprightlier, springtides, springtimes, springwater, sprinklered, squatnesses, squawfishes, squirrelled, stabilities, stablemates, stadtholder, staginesses, stagnancies, staidnesses, stainlesses, stakeholder, stalactites, stalagmites, stalenesses, stallholder, stanchioned, standpatter, starboarded, starknesses, statehouses, statoscopes, staurolites, stavesacres, steamfitter, steamrolled, steamroller, steatorrhea, steelworker, steepnesses, stenotypies, stepbrother, stereotyped, stereotyper, stereotypes, sterilities, sternnesses, stiffnesses, stigmatized, stigmatizes, stillnesses, stitcheries, stockbroker, stockfishes, stockholder, stockjobber, stockkeeper, stolidities, stonecutter, stonefishes, stonewalled, stonewaller, stonewashed, stoninesses, stopwatches, storehouses, storekeeper, storyteller, stoutnesses, straitlaced, strandlines, stranguries, straphanger, straplesses, strategized, strategizes, strawflower, streamlined, streamliner, streamlines, streamsides, stridencies, stridulated, stridulates, stripteaser, stripteases, strongboxes, strychnines, stupidities, suabilities, suavenesses, subagencies, subbranches, subclimaxes, subcolleges, subcolonies, subcounties, subcultured, subcultures, subemployed, subfamilies, subjectives, sublicensed, sublicenses, sublimities, subminister, subparallel, subprimates, subroutines, subsciences, subseizures, subsidences, substituted, substitutes, subsurfaces, subterfuges, subtotalled, subversives, succotashes, succulences, sufferances, sugarcoated, sugarhouses, sugarloaves, sulfuretted, sulkinesses, sulphurised, sulphurises, sultanesses, summertimes, sunninesses, superbomber, supercenter, supercities, supercoiled, supercooled, superelites, superfatted, superficies, superharden, superheated, superheater, superheroes, superlawyer, supermarket, superoxides, superplanes, superplayer, superscales, supersecret, superseller, supersinger, superstates, superstores, supersystem, supertanker, suppliances, supplicated, supplicates, supremacies, surfboarded, surfboarder, surfperches, surlinesses, surplusages, surrebutter, surrendered, surrogacies, survivances, suspendered, suspicioned, sustenances, swartnesses, sweepstakes, sweetnesses, swellfishes, swellheaded, swiftnesses, swingletree, swordfishes, swordplayer, syllabaries, syllabified, syllabifies, symbologies, symmetrized, symmetrizes, sympathised, sympathises, sympathized, sympathizer, sympathizes, sympetalies, synchronies, syncretised, syncretises, syncretized, syncretizes, syndesmoses, synecdoches, synonymized, synonymizes, synovitises, synthesized, synthesizer, synthesizes, synthetases, tabernacled, tabernacles, tacitnesses, tackinesses, tactilities, talkinesses, tambourines, taphonomies, taradiddles, tardigrades, tardinesses, tastinesses, tattinesses, tattletales, tautologies, tautonymies, tawninesses, taxidermies, tearstained, teenybopper, teethridges, teetotalled, teetotaller, telecourses, telegrammed, telegraphed, telegrapher, telekineses, telemetered, telemetries, teleologies, teleonomies, telepathies, telephonies, teleprinter, teliospores, temperances, temporaries, temptresses, tensenesses, tensilities, tensiometer, tepidnesses, termitaries, terneplates, territories, tersenesses, tessellated, tessellates, testatrices, testcrossed, testcrosses, testimonies, testinesses, tetracaines, tetralogies, tetrarchies, tetraspores, thankfuller, theatergoer, theirselves, theocracies, theodolites, theologised, theologises, theologized, theologizer, theologizes, theophanies, theosophies, therapeuses, thermalized, thermalizes, thermometer, thermopiles, thermotaxes, thesauruses, thiaminases, thickheaded, thicknesses, thigmotaxes, thimbleweed, thingnesses, thingummies, thorianites, thornbushes, threepences, thumbtacked, thyroidites, tiemannites, tightfisted, tightnesses, timberlines, timepleaser, timidnesses, timocracies, tinderboxes, tinninesses, tipsinesses, tirednesses, titleholder, toastmaster, tonometries, tonsillites, toothpastes, topographer, topstitched, topstitches, torchbearer, torpidities, torridities, touchstones, toughnesses, tourmalines, toxophilies, trackwalker, trademarked, trailblazer, trailerites, trainbearer, traitresses, tramontanes, trampoliner, trampolines, tranquiller, transceiver, transcended, transcribed, transcriber, transcribes, transfected, transferees, transferred, transferrer, transformed, transformer, transhipped, transiences, transmitted, transmitter, transponder, transported, transporter, transshaped, transshapes, transudates, transvalued, transvalues, transverses, trapeziuses, trapshooter, traumatised, traumatises, traumatized, traumatizes, travelogues, travertines, treacheries, trenchermen, trendsetter, triacetates, triathletes, tribologies, tributaries, trichinized, trichinizes, trichinoses, trichogynes, tricolettes, tricornered, trifurcated, trifurcates, trinketries, triplicated, triplicates, triploidies, trisulfides, tritenesses, trivialised, trivialises, trivialized, trivializes, triweeklies, troglodytes, tropopauses, truckmaster, truculences, truehearted, truepennies, truncheoned, trunkfishes, trustbuster, trypsinogen, tryptamines, tumescences, turbidities, turbulences, turgidities, turnbuckles, turpentined, turpentines, turtledoves, twinberries, typefounder, typewritten, typhlosoles, typographed, typographer, tyrocidines, tyrosinases, ubiquinones, ultrafiches, ultraheated, ultrasecret, ultraviolet, umbilicated, umbilicuses, unaccounted, unaddressed, unalienated, unallocated, unamortized, unamplified, unanimities, unannotated, unannounced, unaptnesses, unaspirated, unassembled, unautomated, unballasted, unblemished, unbracketed, uncalcified, uncalloused, uncaptioned, uncastrated, uncataloged, uncertified, unchanneled, unchartered, uncivilized, unclarified, unclarities, uncluttered, uncoalesced, uncoalesces, uncollected, uncommitted, uncompleted, unconcealed, unconcerned, unconfessed, unconfirmed, unconnected, unconquered, uncontested, uncontrived, unconverted, unconvinced, uncorrected, uncurtained, undecorated, undedicated, undelegated, undelivered, underbidder, underbodies, underbosses, underbudded, undercooled, underfunded, undergirded, underglazes, underhanded, underlapped, undermanned, underpasses, underpinned, underplayed, underpriced, underprices, underscored, underscores, underserved, undersigned, understated, understates, undervalued, undervalues, underwriter, underwrites, undescended, undeveloped, undiagnosed, undignified, undisclosed, undiscussed, undisguised, undissolved, undistorted, undisturbed, unearmarked, unenchanted, unevaluated, unexercised, unexplained, unexploited, unexpressed, unfermented, unfitnesses, unfortified, unfulfilled, unfurnished, ungarnished, unhackneyed, unharnessed, unharnesses, unharvested, unhealthier, unimmunized, unimpressed, uninflected, uninhabited, uninhibited, uninitiated, uninitiates, uninspected, uninsulated, unirrigated, unjustified, unkennelled, unlaundered, unliberated, unlocalized, unmagnified, unmedicated, unmitigated, unmonitored, unmotivated, unorganized, unperceived, unperformed, unpersuaded, unperturbed, unpolarized, unpressured, unprocessed, unprofessed, unprotected, unpublished, unqualified, unrealities, unreclaimed, unrecovered, unredressed, unregulated, unrehearsed, unrepressed, unretouched, unsatisfied, unsaturated, unsaturates, unscheduled, unscrambled, unscrambler, unscrambles, unsegmented, unseparated, unsightlier, unsolicited, unspecified, unstoppered, unsuccesses, unsupported, unsurpassed, unsurprised, unsuspected, unsweetened, untarnished, untrammeled, untraversed, unvarnished, unwarranted, unweathered, unworkables, upholstered, upholsterer, uredospores, usabilities, usualnesses, vaginitises, vaguenesses, vainglories, vapidnesses, varicoceles, varicolored, vasectomies, vaticinated, vaticinates, vaudevilles, velocimeter, velocipedes, verbosities, verdigrises, vernissages, vertebrates, vesiculated, vesiculates, viabilities, vibraphones, vicariances, videophiles, videophones, villageries, villanelles, villosities, vinedresser, vinylidenes, virescences, virginities, virulencies, viscidities, viscosities, viscounties, visionaries, vituperated, vituperates, vivandieres, vividnesses, vociferated, vociferates, volatilised, volatilises, volatilized, volatilizes, volkslieder, voluntaries, volunteered, vorticities, vulgarities, vulneraries, wackinesses, wainscotted, waistcoated, wallpapered, warmhearted, washerwomen, wastebasket, watchdogged, watercooler, waterfowler, waterlogged, watermarked, waterscapes, weakhearted, wearinesses, weatherized, weatherizes, weedinesses, weirdnesses, westernised, westernises, westernized, westernizes, wharfmaster, wheelhorses, wheelhouses, wheresoever, whichsoever, whiffletree, whippletree, whitefishes, whitenesses, whitewashed, whitewasher, whitewashes, wholenesses, whorehouses, whoremaster, whoremonger, whosesoever, widemouthed, willowwares, wimpinesses, windbreaker, windinesses, windowpanes, wineglasses, winepresses, wintergreen, wintertides, wintertimes, wisecracked, wisecracker, wisenheimer, wispinesses, wittinesses, wolfberries, wolframites, woodchopper, woodenwares, woodinesses, woodshedded, woozinesses, wordinesses, workbenches, wrongheaded, wrongnesses, xerophilies, xylographer, yellowwares, youngnesses, youthquakes, zabagliones, zemindaries, zidovudines, zooplankter4180 words found.