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Q: What is captivity resolution?
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The Principles of Behavior are your outline of responsibilities and obligation from isolation to captivity resolution?


Do wild dogs live longer in captivity?

In captivity, definitely in captivity.

When was Out of Captivity created?

Out of Captivity was created in 2009.

What is an antonym for captivity?

Freedom is an antonym of captivity.

What part of speech is captivity?

Captivity is a noun.

Are the Principles of Behavior your outline of responsibilities and obligation from isolation to captivity resolution?


Can a mako shark live in captivity?

So far it has fared the poorest in captivity and haven't survives long in captivity. So no, they cannot be kept in captivity for long.

Difference between Zoo captivity or Century Captivity?

ZOO CAPTIVITY: nicer and better for animals :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) (i think)

What is a antonym for captivity?

An antonym for captivity is freedom or liberty

Can you give sentence using the word captivity?

The years of captivity wore him down. She was taken into captivity by hostile Indians.

When was An Old Captivity created?

An Old Captivity was created in 1940.