

What is carbonic and a mixture of what?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Carbonic acid is H2CO3 (carbon dioxide dissolved in water) and is known in liquid and gaseous phase.

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Q: What is carbonic and a mixture of what?
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Carbonic acid is a mixture of what?

Carbonic acid is a chemical compound formed when carbon dioxide dissolves in water. It is a weak acid that can release hydrogen ions in solution, leading to the formation of bicarbonate ions.

Carbonic acid is a mixture of?

Carbonic acid is a weak acid created when carbon dioxide dissolves in water, forming a mixture of carbonic acid (H2CO3) in solution. Carbonic acid is responsible for the acidity of carbonated drinks like soda when dissolved in water.

What is carbonic acid mixture of?

Carbonic Acid is water reacted with carbon dioxide.

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A carbonated beverage is a mixture because it is composed of more than one substance, such as water, sugar, flavorings, and carbon dioxide gas. Each of these components retains its individual properties when combined to form the beverage.

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An anthracometer is an instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a mixture.

How are a mixture and a pure substance alike?

They are not alike in any way, Because of the carbonic sulfur.

Acid formed by mixing water with carbon dioxide?

H2CO3, or carbonic acid, can be formed by dissolving carbon dioxide (CO2) in water (H2O). When carbon dioxide is dissolved in water, carbonic acid "exists in equilibrium" with the water and carbon dioxide; meaning that the carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms involved tend to move around and keep equal concentrations of gas/water mixture and carbonic acid.

Is a CO2 in water a element mixture or compound?

Carbon dioxide is a compound; in water solution is called frequently carbonic acid but is not correct.The system CO2-H2O is a mixture.

Is a soft drink a mixture or a compound?

A soft drink is a mixture. It is composed of various substances such as water, sugar, flavorings, and carbon dioxide, which are not chemically bonded together.

Is softdrink a pure substance?

No, it is a complex mixture of different compounds, such as carbonic acid, artificial flavors, water, sugars, etc.

Is rain and element mixture or a compound?

mixture, definitely. unpolluted rainwater has water, carbonic acid (from dissolved carbon dioxide in the atmosphere), dust, and maybe other things

Is pepsi a element compound hetrogeneous mixture or solution?

Any soft drinks are generally homogeneous mixture (containing carbonic acid dissolved in water at high pressure along with other flavours and colouring materials).