

What is carlisle's first name?

Updated: 7/4/2021
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What is carlisles name?

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I'm not sure what you are referring to specifically when you mention "carlisles river." It could be a misinterpretation or typo. Can you provide more context or clarify your question?

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here i wont give u her number even though i know it take this number and call it:18007798255555 it is so funny wat they have to say!!!

What was Carlisle's father's Religion?

Carlisle's father was a pastor in the Anglican Church, so his religion was Anglican.

What is carlisles full name in twilight?

His name is Carlisle Cullen. During the time he was in Italy he was called "Stregoni Benefici." In the film he is played by Peter Facinelli. These are the only names given through out the stories/background stories and character bios thus far. More information may be revealed upon the release of the Twilight Saga: Official Guide later this year.

In the book in the pert where Alice Cullen had a vision Esmes voice was tence but carlisles voice was calm why was Esmes voice tence but carlisles voice was calm?

The vision where she sees the nomads coming quicker than she thought, Bella was with them. Carlisle might SOUND calm but he probably wasn't inside. Esme didn't want Bella to get hurt because she had been seeing Edward alone too long and if Bella died, Edward would be alone again. I don't think Esme would want that.