

What is cartilage produced by?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is cartilage produced by?
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What provides cushioning at joints?

the cushion at the ends of the bones is called cartilage and is lubricated with sinovial fluid that is produced by your body.

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When cartilage is produced at the epiphyseal plate at the same rate as a bone is deposited on the opposite sides bones?

When cartilage is produced at the same rate as bone deposition, the epiphyseal plate maintains a balance between bone growth and cartilage replacement, allowing bones to increase in length. This process is crucial for normal bone development and growth during childhood and adolescence. Any disruption in this balance can result in growth abnormalities.

Articular cartilage what type of cartilage?

hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion

What is the cushion between two bones?

Cartilage tissue.

what types of cartilage is articular cartilage?

hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion

Name the specific cartilages in the larynx that forms the Adam's apple?

The cartilage that forms the Adam's apple is the thyroid cartilage.

What type of cartilage makes of articular cartilage?

hyaline cartilage

What is the name of the large cartilage of the anterior larynx?

The most prominent cartilage in the anterior larynx is the thyroid cartilage. The thyroid cartilage is a shield shaped structure made of hyaline cartilage.

Articular cartilage is composed of what tissue?

hyaline cartilage

Is Fibro cartilage is the most common type of cartilage in the body?

No, hyaline cartilage is the most abundant type of cartilage.

Is your nose bone or cartilage?

It is cartilage until you get to the top of your bridge