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Concrete actually contains cement as well as sand and gravel. We say "cement concrete" because cement is an ingredient in concrete. And because the cement is what binds together the sand and gravel that make up the concrete.

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10y ago

Cement concrete refers to a mixture of rocks, past, portland cement and water.

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How is concrete made from cement?

Concrete is to bread as cement is to flour. Concrete is a mixture of sand, gravel, cement, and water.

How is cement used in concrete?

Cement, sand and stone is what concrete is made of. Cement is the binding agent.

What Percentage of cement is used in concrete in a house?

the concrete used in a house is 47% cement

What is the purpose of cement in concrete?

cement is the binder for concrete like glue with out it you have mud with rocks

How many yards of cement needed for a 40x60 patio?

Thickness? Do you mean cement or concrete - cement is the binder/adhesive in the concrete.

What is rain forced cement concrete?

It is not rain forced but re-inforced cement concrete. It means the concrete after setting and hardening.

Is cement conduct electricity?

Concrete it self may not but most concrete structures .Has rebar in them and that can .

Should a sidewalk be made of cement or concrete?

Concrete is what you make a sidewalk from. To make concrete, you mix Portland cement, sand, gravel (aggregate) and water. The cement holds the aggregate together.

What it means concrete M20 or C16?

concrete and cement

What are the components of reinforced cement concrete?

steel,cement, sand

What is a waterproof cement?


What is stronger concrete or Mortar?

Concrete is stronger than mortar.Because mortar is a mixture of cement, sand and water but concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel and water. Thus concrete forms a stiff mix than mortar.Hence the concrete is more stronger than cement.