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Q: What is censorship of information called before its published?
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censorship of information before it is published is called

Government censorship of information before publication is called?

prior restraint

What is another term for government censorship?

When the government attempts to censor a publication before it's published, it is called prior restraint.

What is a government action that prevents material from being published?

This could be called lots of things, although the answer you are probably looking for is censorship. Censorship is the intentional blocking of information by any person, group, or entity and is usually done to prevent harmful information from getting out. Censorship is not confined to harmful news reports or issues of national security, however. Books, comics, movies, games, and specific words and phrases have also been censored out of concern for their harmful influence on society.

Which of these best describes why mainstream media might be called more accountable or responsible for reports?

Censorship prevents access to certain information and keeps the public safe.

What is the process by which scientists grade the work of the other scientists before it is published?

It is called peer review.

What is A piece of news published before a rival newspaper can publish it is called a?


What is the process by which scientists grades the work of other scientists before it is published?

This process is called peer review.

The taking out of material that may offend others is called what?

That's censorship, censoring.

What is it called when you black out text for purposes of concealing information?

The word you are looking for is censor / censorship. As Censorship is the act or practice of censoring in general the term is correct; however, there is a specific term for what you are describing. I believe the word you are looking for is "Redacting". This term describes putting text into an appropriate for for publication. When legal or sensitive documents are released with blackend out portions of text. The text is said to be redacted.

What is the name of the magazinE published by skssf?

The magazine published by SKSSF is called "Insight." It focuses on promoting Islamic literature and providing information relevant to the community.

How did censorship originate in the Restoration period?

Censorship had become a fixture of society in the period before that, during the so-called English Commonwealth period under Oliver Cromwell. Puritans had gained the upper hand politically and kept a close watch over observance of all the things they had forbidden. During the Restoration period when Charles II had become king censorship was on the contrary relaxed, although it never completely disappeared.