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Q: What is changing the magnitude and direction of forces generated by skeletal muscles an illustration of?
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The car rounds the turn at a constant velocity of 90 mph?

If the car rounds the turn, then its velocity is not constant.Velocity is a thing that has magnitude and direction. The magnitude is what we call "speed".If the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing, even if the speed is constant.

Can an object have a constant speed and a varying velocity?

Yes. Velocity is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Speed is the magnitude of velocity. If speed is constant but the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing. An example is a car turning a corner without slowing down.

If an object is moving in a circle with a constant speed Its acceleration is constant in what?

It is constant in magnitude. It is changing in direction.

Can an object change its direction when the magnitude of its velocity is zero?

If the velocity is zero, the object is not moving. So if it moves at all, it is changing direction.

Why velocity is not constant if satellite travels with constant spped at a fixed elevatiopn?

Speed is a scalar quantity meaning it has only magnitude. Velocity is a vector meaning it has magnitude and direction. Whilst the satellite's speed is constant its direction is constantly changing. If its direction didn't change it would fly off in a straight line. Since its direction is changing, the velocity must be changing. And also since the velocity is changing, the satellite is also accelerating (towards the centre of the earth).

What does it mean to translate a vector?

Translating a vector is sliding it parallel to the axes - without changing its magnitude or direction.

Can an object have a constant spped and velocity at the same time?

Velocity is a vector quantity. That means it has direction and magnitude. Speed is a scalar quantity, it only has magnitude. It is possible to have constant speed and constant velocity but it is also possible to have constant speed but changing velocity if the object is changing direction.

Is centripetal acceleration a uniform acceleration give reason?

No it is not because its direction is constantly changing. It is not a constant force. Force has direction as well as magintude and while it magnitude is constant its direction is not.

Will changing the order of your displacements in the vector diagram affect magnitude and direction?

No. Result= V1 + V2 = V2 + V1.

Why is the velocity of the car traveling in a circle changing?

Because "velocity" consists of a speed and a direction. If the direction is changing, then the velocity is changing, even though the speed isn't. And here's another one for you: "Acceleration" means any change in velocity. So if the race car is going around an oval track at a constant speed, it's accelerating. ==> Because its velocity is changing. ==> Because its direction is changing. ==> All at constant speed.

Why are currents changing direction?

Alternating current is generated by a rotating generator which moves in such a way as to produce that kind of current.